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Everything posted by sexymonk

  1. It is good question that why reviewers who have old account write false reviewed especially stating that pics are real! I think that sometimes these providers are discreet, may be good looking and don't want to show their face. The clients meeting them may find them attractive, are satisfied with their service and hence follows the glowing review.
  2. Marylander, those escorts never valued the money. They never knew what real hard work is and so never hesitated to squander the money. When you have to slog your azz in real life to earn the penny then you understand its value!
  3. But respect your own hard work and the money earned by it! For most of these boys it is easy money and it will pain you to see how they waste the money which normally hard working people even if earning million dollar will never do! So give loan or gift to the deserving ones and not to the one who looks good! Control your emotions and the organ beneath the waist!
  4. Hahaha. Lol. What these providers think while asking such astronomical donations? Have they descended on this earth from heaven and we are drooling! Let them dream!!!
  5. Wrong title! It should have been handle with care! Looks too fragile to me.
  6. I think it is beautiful and handsome face in person!!!
  7. Looks gross to me! Somehow don't find this guy attractive!
  8. Most of the members here have met peter and confidently say that he is indeed one of the most handsome person! Many of the members are meeting him for a decade now!
  9. I would say both are fine. Alex has better defined physique- not steroid ripped body and looks fresh!
  10. Yes, can't agree more that @peterhung85 is best if the best. Kissing is his one of the speciality! Don't miss this handsome guy!
  11. Lol. What a business model! I hope for extended hours these guys deliver for every hour! .
  12. Welcome to the school. You are in good hands here. We are advisors here and will train you
  13. If he writes that then it means he is openly declaring that he exchanges money for sex and that is not legal! I don't think it will be appropriate to explicitly write something like that on the ad!
  14. I sense scam. Why to wire him all the way to east?
  15. If the person is not responding to text then better to move on! There is no need to have hangover for the escort and waste precious lifetime!
  16. I can imagine what it feels when all ladies things are scattered in the apartment and you are hooking up with the guy! Do you think that Adrian wears them too?
  17. He was too much hyped! Nothing great about him tbh!
  18. sexymonk


    Stubble is ok but not beard!
  19. Have him And sure to visit medical center to treat your gut shifting inside and other damages! I guess most want to be "Mr. Hands".
  20. The reviewer must have squint or high on some substance to not differentiate!!!
  21. Also we wish you best and would like to see for the many many many years to come!
  22. That is really good! it is connection that is important. Very few people do that and I am glad that you and equally few other best people do that to build connection with the people that they have met. I think most of you are successful as people after meeting you and going back to home have the hope to see you again. In a way they don't feel that they are not lonely soul! It is these reason that I myself had been meeting a friend here from the last many many years and have built a connection and many know him as @peterhung85. We thank you guys for your long journey, connections!
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