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Everything posted by RandyC

  1. So Millet was to first known Butt pirate?
  2. RandyC


    I was on Airbnb looking for a vacation rental and spotted a place that looked promising. When I scrolled down and saw the host's pic I immediately recognized him as an escort...he was using a g-rated picture from his profile... Not asking a question or looking for advice, just was an interesting development I thought I would share. His place had excellent reviews btw...
  3. How about some Hockey Cologne.... https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Hockey%20Cologne
  4. RandyC

    Anal Eaze

    I find a quick hit of poppers quite effective...
  5. http://guyswithiphones.com/2018/01/20/DQVtG1vUEAAx7oC.jpg
  6. I would be interested in any info... He is hot as hell and if he could wear sweaty football gear... and not ironically
  7. He makes me fuckin swoon! http://78.media.tumblr.com/cb075d6fd4b4b61c90b9621a9ee55303/tumblr_or64wkaWHN1tv0bi6o1_1280.jpg
  8. I will show my appreciation to someone who goes above and beyond . This usually means a more intimate connection, someone who stays beyond the agreed time, or someone who just plain rocks my world. Doesn't happen often, but when it does...
  9. Spacious apartments with designer furnishings are not an option for many in NYC. Cleanliness is ALWAYS an option. It takes some effort but it doesn't cost much money. If you live in a small space you also need to be diligent in putting things away.
  10. I went out with friends and another single gentleman came along. I met him a few weeks ago at a Christmas party and was quite smitten. He is my age and divorced with 2 kids. His daughter was with him at the Christmas party and we talked about traveling and all the places she should see while she is young. When I saw him tonight he said his daughter has apparently taken to calling me her other daddy and we joked about who should be paying for her travels. He is in his 50's, balding, grey hair, thin, with a quick wit and a killer smile. I could spend all night with him engaged in the most debaucherous carnal pleasures. I kind of put him out of my ind until I saw him again tonight am not sure if/when I might see him again. Sigh
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