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Everything posted by guru68

  1. I thought he'd imploded some time ago.
  2. Missed that. I wonder if he's had any takers yet.
  3. I'd add Peachyyboy to the list, but I think he only does OnlyFans.
  4. I believe Max is now on Seeking Arrangement as "fitnessgoalss" from New York - or someone is scamming with his pics, of course.
  5. Don't cry, James, someone remembers you I'm sure.
  6. DCC was a big sexy man - sort of the big brother of the boy next door.
  7. The "discomfort" is likely some combination of conspicuous boners and conspicuously empty wallets.
  8. My favorite search filters are "straight" and "allowance". It's always amusing to see how many guys think they are going to get regularly paid for an email or chat.
  9. Wasted on me - I might have otherwise thought it was satirical.
  10. Agree with other comments - best to be cautious. I'd worry that there would be other "surprises" once I was face-to-face.
  11. Not exactly on topic, but I recall the business where Kurt Wild got fired from Subway after being recognized by a very judgy customer. Of course, nevermind HOW the guy recognized him. Of course, Kurt turned out to be a child-raping scumbag, but the point is still valid. Customer-guy clearly needed to go back into therapy and pray the gay away harder.
  12. I was speaking more generally, but yes. Plenty of hot guys out there willing to play ball, as it were.
  13. I have to agree - he's voice is not at all annoying (as I expected). I've been annoyed with him over the whole 'fake sex' thing, certainly. I don't know, sometimes it feels like it's too easy to hate hot guys for not being what I want. Should I hate an actor for not being the character that attracts me? The obvious example to me to Tom Holland for not being Peter Parker, but still. Actually, I should thank Cody for not being accessible to me - where would I be then?
  14. Twit one, purl two? Ah, random thoughts. Perhaps Alam's daddy is prettier than he is - would that be joyous or just unsettling? Or maybe there's nothing to it and he won the Powerball or something. He could start hiring as well - would being a client for a (former) escort be a thing? It could be the base of a sitcom (on cable, of course): "That's not how you suck a dick - geez, escorts today ... " "Ha! We didn't have ab wheels back in my day. I used to use the spare tire from my car. Uphill, in the snow. Both ways." "No one skips leg day in THIS house!"
  15. How many of us get tired of our employers - even without the grabby hands? ? No doubt Alam makes more than I do - I'm sure he works harder.
  16. About him actually having a sugar daddy? Hopefully for his sake it wouldn't be information easy to come by.
  17. It does make me wonder, though, if every such thing is doomed to become stale. Of course, arrangements (and Arrangements) aren't necessarily just about tabs in slots, etc. Not that my own "arrangement" with my employer isn't as fragile (or more, perhaps) and susceptible to termination. I'm certainly vulnerable to being replaced by someone younger and cheaper. There's a basic truth here ... nah, I'll just go look at some more porno.
  18. Haha well I hope he's better with his money than I am with mine. ?
  19. Would that make him straight (gay for pay) for pay? It's like Victor/Victoria.
  20. I'm guessing the daddy fits in wherever he wants.
  21. Hopefully a discreet one - I'm assuming things are riskier in that part of the world.
  22. Who knows, maybe he's saving his money wisely.
  23. I'm guessing he doesn't need the cash anymore. It would be nice of him to make a statement if he's retired.
  24. guru68

    411 Gregjock

    Ouch. He's not going to end well if he can't change direction.
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