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Posts posted by Capitano

  1. Now in Tampa. I am so grateful for this forum.

    This just reinforces my belief that hot travelers who charge over $200 an hour and whose pix suggest modeling aspirations are best avoided. Name changes make it orders of magnitude worse, of course.

  2. 4 hours ago, Skip said:

    Texted with him today. Quoted "Happy ending hand job mutual touching 210$ 60M" . So maybe he learned, And quite frankly how many guys on a gay massage site DON"T want a HE. Silly to leave it out and $210 for is a great price.  Maybe I will see him tomorrow. 

    Was this an answer to a question that mentioned HE? My question was neutral and was simply about his rates for different kinds of massage, and I was quoted $170. I got the clarification that HE was $40 extra when I specifically asked for it. This tells me he either prefers not to do it (more likely) or upsells, but maybe I am wrong. I am not saying don't hire him, just that one has to be careful with hot straight guys. In any case, please do give us an update if you decide to go for it!

  3. I once rented a top of the line BMW and had a great & fun driving experience. I wouldn't do it again, though, much less buy that car. The value proposition just isn't there IMHO, and I wouldn't recommend it to 99% of the drivers, but I totally get it that some may disagree, which is why we see an M3 on the road once in a while.

    PS The value of each product or service is found in the gap between what is provided and the money paid. Saying "I don't care how much I'll pay" is never fully true or honest. Everyone cares at some point, whether it's measured in hundreds, thousands, or millions. If one is not ready to disclose how much they paid, their review is pretty useless to most forum participants no matter how raving it is.

  4. 11 hours ago, Trick said:

    How did you like the massage?

    I didn't get it, my bigger head prevailed. 😉

    Him charging $40 for a HE pretty much guarantees that he won't go anywhere near the glutes and hip flexors which are important to me. Plus I am so done with hot straight guys who hate certain aspects of this job but stick around because the money is just too good.

    Also, he disclosed this only when I specifically asked about it, so that tells me he was either going to upsell or, more likely, give me that dreaded & demeaning "now you can finish yourself" in the end. I also think it's manipulative and dishonest not to disclose on RM which types of massage he does.

    A clear case of "love the money, hate the job" IMHO, plus a dose of disdain for the people who pay him. No mas, decided to draw the line and feel pretty good about it.

  5. Yep, there is that $40 upcharge, which is a deal breaker for me because it sets the stage in a wrong way. The total rate is acceptable, especially for 90 minutes (220+40), but the message is that he hates doing it. I don't want interaction with someone who is deep down repulsed by it. This line of work just isn't for a hot straight guy who hates doing it but can't resist because the money is too good IMHO. It just cannot work in the long run.

    BTW, he didn't disclose the surcharge right away, only when asked, which suggests that the unsuspecting client is in for a mood-killing upcharge or that infamous and so demeaning "now you can finish yourself" that so many Eastern European & Russian masseurs do. And another indicator that he doesn't want to do it, and that I should pass despite him being hot and trained.

  6. On 5/12/2024 at 10:58 AM, Brosnan said:

    He’s now advertising under the name GiveMeHead on Rentmen. His ad is full of misrepresentations— no way does he have anything like 9 inches (6 is a stretch) and he is not Latin (middle American Irish maybe). Terrible masseur. Don’t be tempted by this guy.

    What is it about lying about dick size? I actually find it a turnoff if someone is disproportionately big.

  7. 5 hours ago, JamesB said:

    I'm curious, what makes you think "the reviews are obvious fakes"? I'm not arguing; I just want to understand and learn. By the way, he just got another one.

    Timing above all else. Plus multiple short reviews with references to a "warm smile" and how great he looks. Way too similar and way too concentrated in time.

  8. 5 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    Typically no. But you seem to be confusing people who work a full day with professions that may only see one or two clients a day...and days where there are NO clients.

    You also have to consider the market. Even if someone DID make $180k annually ..in NYC that's a middle class lifestyle at best.

    But again. Nobody is saying you must feel obligated to tip for regular service with a private provider, if you're that jealous of the fact that their hour is worth more than your hour.

    You seem to not understand the value of time and how markets work. If they choose to charge a lot and have few clients and that works for them, power to them! And even more so if they find clients willing to tip them beyond the already high rate. All I am saying is that tipping makes no sense to me at those levels, and that they become more like lawyers and other professionals than wage workers who work way more for way less.

    PS What percentage of workers in NYC earn over $180k? Yeah, life is expensive, but "we all  make our own personal choices, and we all pay our personal prices."


  9. 49 minutes ago, Bluefin said:

    Providers charge what the market in their area will bear. A terrible:mediocre therapist is going to charge the same as the guy giving an amazing experience. I tip the amazing experience bc I want to reward that person for the extra effort and I want him to be able to make a living and keep providing me great service. It’s that simple. 

    Another way to reward him is to schedule many new appointments, whereas those that suck you don't go back to and write a warning here. Informed markets are good markets.

  10. I think it's good to revisit this topic from time to time, nothing wrong with it. The world keeps changing, plus there are new folks who may be wondering whether $$$ numbers in older threads are still valid.

  11. 2 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    Dentists, Lawyers and Contractors are generally viewed as well-paid professionals. So correct, not one thinks of tipping them for service.

    Masseurs aren't typically viewed as being in this category. You may find their fee to be high for the hour but many people forget that this isn't the kind of job where you're seeing clients all day/ every day

    So that $ 250 for the hour may be the only hour he/she is paid for that day.

    So tipping for this type of provider is ( in the United States ) fairly common.  Although as I stated previously, if the provider is taking the whole fee, you aren't technically obligated to tip for ordinary service.

    Typically, people don't make $200 an hour, and that is far above a working person's average wage. At just 20 hours a week, that's easily over $180k a year, plus they get all that downtime to work out and do other things. Many professionals would envy that. At $250, their compensation begins to look outright extravagant and tipping makes even less sense.

    Having said that, I WILL tip generously those who charge $160 or less IF they provide a good experience. I will hire at $200 an hour, more precisely 90 minutes for UNDER $300, if I see great reviews here but then the bar for a tip will be much higher.

    And yes, if they can sell just one hour of their service a day, they should consider lowering the price or switching to another line of work. If they think of themselves as models and not masseurs, and that is the explanation for the high rate, I am so not interested in hiring in the first place.

  12. On 3/29/2023 at 8:37 PM, FrankR said:

    You are free to do whatever you want. No one is forcing you to tip, right?  I choose to tip - I do so at my discretion. Isnt choice a beautiful thing? 

    You are free to do whatever you want. No one is forcing you not to tip either. I choose to tip selectively and do so at my discretion. Isn't choice a beautiful thing? Diversity of opinions too.

  13. On 3/30/2023 at 7:42 AM, pubic_assistance said:

    If you read the whole thread, this was discussed.

    Yes, you are correct. The provider is receiving the whole fee so tipping is definitely optional.

    BUT, American culture would dictate that IF that provider went out of his way to create a superior experience during the service, or provided ANY additional services that weren't a standard definition of either massage or escorting, then showing one's appreciation with a tip, is normal.

    American culture was base'd on the idea that people are not slaves. There is an expected reward for going the extra mile.



    We don't tip dentists, lawyers, and contractors, though. I think you are overgeneralizing "American culture." It's ok to tip those who appropriate the entire fee, but there's a qualitative difference vs those who are workers at a business owned by someone else.

  14. Hot guy, but the comments reaffirm my skepticism about the masseurs whose pix reveal or even suggest modeling aspirations. Or past.

    Ideal profile IMHO: a hot CMT with honest & recent selfies who is gay (which you can tell most of the time) and checks all 3 boxes on rentmasseur, no profile on rent.men.

  15. Thanks! This forum saved me time and money yet again.

    The vibe he gave me over the texts is consistent with what has been said. I asked for his erotic rates with both naked and MT, and his response was "yeah, I can be naked if you want me to." WTF is his erotic massage if he doesn't get naked by default? And if he is going to agree to be naked upon request (OK, if you insist!) only to avoid being touched, I so don't want his massage. Yeah, $240 for 90 minutes sounds reasonable, but it's so not worthy if it's half-assed and you feel like the masseur is doing something he doesn't want to.

    There is good money to be made in this business, but it's not for everyone. 

  16. On 3/14/2024 at 1:53 AM, Ivan C said:

    Pictures with the bulge indicates more escort than massage. 

    Yet he checks "sensual" but not "erotic." His rate is massage-like as well, but there could be upcharges for more.

    Has anyone tried?

    He also mentions 4 hands, so he must have a partner, but he doesn't say who that is.

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