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Everything posted by Beancounter

  1. I'm absolutely sure this is the guy. I realize he's not an escort, however, he used to advertise on RentMasseur but no longer does. His home base used to be OKC and would travel to nearby Texas cities. He just sent out a mass txt message to all of his former clients letting them know he'd be in Dallas. That's probably why there is a thread about him now. I did not mean to imply he was an escort. He did advertise on rentmasseur at one time.
  2. I had a massage session with Wally and was sadly disappointed. To begin with I texted him at 2:58 to let him know I had arrived for my 3:00 massage. He immediately texted me back with a very terse reply that the massage was for 3:00 and he would text me then and give me his room number. At 3:00 he texts me the room number. I go up to the third floor and knock on the room number he had given me....except he wasn't in that room but in the room across the hall. He opened the door and said "I'm over here". I apologized and said I must have misread the text. He then said he always gives out the wrong room number as a way of pre-screening clients in case they are law enforcement. Not a good way to start a session. Like others have mentioned he performs this rather unorthodox leg stretching thing on his bed. The problem with the stretching is that he does it on a mattress that offers no resistance and since he's a big guy (6'5" I think) his whole weight is pushing against your body and it was exceedingly painful for me. I told him it was painful and to stop. Instead he tells me that I need to relax more. I just got up and moved to the massage table. The massage was OK but nothing special. I was glad to get out of there. I ended up posting a one-star review on rentmasseur and the next day he sent me a hateful reply that I probably didn't even get a massage from him and I just wanted to make him look bad and I was trying to drive away business. Of course, the review was subsequently removed by rentmasseur.
  3. With that said.... Having said that....
  4. Bless your heart! People think I'm using this expression to console someone when, in fact, I'm being condescending. Been in the South way too long, me thinks.
  5. It's interesting in Ian Frost's ad that he states "I have cheaper rates. Ask me." Makes me think I get to choose between a generic brand versus a brand name. Perhaps a Walmart vs Neiman Marcus shopping experience.
  6. They are still open. They are located on Hudnall Ave near the intersection of Hudnall and Maple Ave. They open at 10 am but dancers don't start until 4 pm. Lately dancers have been hit and miss as far as quality goes. Good luck. https://www.facebook.com/tinroom/
  7. Unfortunately DonBlueEyes from Phoenix retired before I really got into this hobby. As Rose from the Golden Girls used to say.....that man really melts my Hagen Daz! He was a man's man.
  8. We have a winner! Best of the best stories!
  9. I'm assuming there's a typo in your comment but it's a classic! I chuckled out out loud trying to decide if you meant "level playing field" or "level laying field". In the end both would be appropriate given the nature of this thread. :D:D
  10. He might not get hired very often because of his high asking price. Hung, muscle guys are a dime a dozen. Just saying...
  11. This may or may not help explain the use of N/A for in- and outcalls. Sean Xavier (many on this board will know him) did the same thing in his ad. When I asked him why he did that he told me that there wasn't a way on RM to advertise different rates for different cities. At the time Mr. Xavier was traveling and listed his travel cities in his ad. I believe the cities were L.A., San Francisco and Dallas. His West Coast rates were slightly higher than what he can charge in Dallas. He didn't want his Dallas clientele to think his rates had increased so he simply put N/A for in- and outcalls. That way West Coast clients and Dallas clients saw the same ad but were paying different rates. He admitted it was not the ideal situation and caused a lot of confusion but he did assure me he did both in and outcalls. Sadly, our schedules didn't mesh and I wasn't able to book. I don't pretend to understand the ins and outs of the RM website but I have heard from other escorts that it can limiting and difficult to use sometimes.
  12. https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/dav_nel87.shtml This recommendation comes to me via one of my best friends who just recently engaged the services of these two. He hired this twosome and was thoroughly pleased with his extremely relaxing massage and to top things off he told me that one of the guys rated a 10 while the other one was only an 8. :D:D Like I said though, this is a heresay review but my friend has never lied to me before.
  13. Beancounter


    Your post made me chuckle. Crisco was the "go to" lube of choice for gay men back in the 70s and 80s. Like your cousin I had a small can of Crisco on the floor under my bed. How times have changed.
  14. Beancounter


    Crisco vegetable shortening.
  15. Love! Valor! Compassion! A personal favorite movie of mine.
  16. I remember liking The Crying Game. The ending came as a total surprise to me. Sadly, I've aged tremendously since I saw the film and don't remember much else about the film
  17. Does "Sordid Lives" by Del Shores count as a gay movie?
  18. The movie Jeffrey. I cracked up with the Mother Theresa appearances.
  19. Maurice based on the novel by E.M. Forster. Great movie.
  20. I think AdamSmith and Marylander1940 Should discuss their differences by sending private messages to each other and let the rest of us continue to discuss the topic of this thread which is "getting ripped off by a client" which is what I intend to do. From an accounting point of view all businesses recognize bad debt expenses and allowances for doubtful accounts that are routinely written off after being deemed uncollectible (normally after one year, but not always). Of course businesses have legal channels and remedies available to them, i.e., reporting bad debts to credit reporting agencies, filing a lien in certain cases, the court system and various other avenues. However, in this case there don't appear any realistic or viable opportunities available to you since you're operating an illegal business operation. An attempt to collect using normal channels would be shot down in a New York minute. My take on this situation is that you just need to realize this is going to happen from time to time. Accept it, move on and adjust your pricing structure to accommodate such losses. Yes, it sucks getting stiffed $60 but if that's the worst think that happens to you in this business you are are way ahead of the game and should consider yourself luck.
  21. I sure hope you're right @loverboy95. Incredible man, that's what he is!
  22. Tristan.....come back to Dallas! I haven't been the same since you left!
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