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Everything posted by Beancounter

  1. I have nothing recent on this guy but met him in Dallas a couple of years ago. I would NEVER meet him again. I’ve posted my comments in previous threads on this guy.
  2. https://rentmen.eu/SOLDIER Is this the guy?
  3. That a pandora’s box question and responses from Forum members will undoubtedly be all over the place. This may be a good time for a moderator(s)to give the definitive answer. It’s my personal belief that every response to an escort 411 request for information is a “mini” review. Of late, I try to speak in generalities when responding to these types of requests. It’s a fine line, @Lovecraft58!
  4. In light of his association with a priest I’m wondering how he pronounces his last name. Asking for God.
  5. To the OP: Here are some other items to consider: 1. Income tax considerations. You may well be filing partial year state income tax returns in two states. This can be tricky. Make sure you establish a beginning date of residency in your new state. Consult a tax professional if needed. Your federal return shouldn’t be impacted. 2. I’m not sure if you’re on Medicare. If you are you’ll need to check and make sure your Part D coverage is still valid in your new location. I’m fuzzy on this but when I moved I had to change drug coverage providers. Also, if there is a medigap policy to consider check to see if it’s valid in your area. I think premiums are based on state and zip code. I’m the first to admit I’m not an expert on Medicare but if this affects you then I would do some research. 3. Transfer you car insurance to your new location. Might be cheaper. Maybe not. My auto premiums went from $600 to $217. Same coverage. 4. Finally, allow yourself some time to get frustrated. Moving is a trying experience under the best of circumstances. Again, best of luck.
  6. I think we need to get back on topic. The OP asked for suggestions and things to consider about a long move across country. And, yes! I’m aware I swayed off topic but only to counter Mr. Nicholas’ inappropriate comment demonizing California. BACK ON TOPIC GUYS....Hints and suggestions about a cross country move.
  7. Texas is a cesspool these days. I spent 40 years in Dallas. I’m so glad I moved out.
  8. I recently moved moved from Texas to the Midwest. Your situation sounds exactly like mine, minus the pets. I purchased an auto-inflatable air mattress from Dicks Sporting Goods which I slept on for three nights. It wasn’t too bad. The air mattress also also self-deflated. It only cost $50.00. Your life will be disrupted and inconvenienced for 3-4 months until you set up shop again......internet set-up, new banks, new drivers license, change of address notifications (I had 40], etc. I’d recommend making an Excel spreadsheet with the following columns or something that fits your needs: 1) Task 2) Company/Business Entity 2) Date Contacted 3) Date Completed 4) Phone number 5) Notes Banking takes a while to transition over. If you’re on Social Security it will take two months to redirect direct deposit to a new banking institution. Change of address done online with the USPS took thirty days to become effective. I think it’s better to just go to a post office in person and turn in a COA. Be prepared to incur a lot of additional expenses....title transfer of vehicle to new state. This can be expensive depending on the state. Applying for a new drivers license may require proof of American citizenship. My state had a list of acceptable documentation, I.e. bank account, utility bill, passport, birth certificate, etc. Utilities may require a deposit. Dont forget to register to vote. Usually a simple process. At least it was for a me. There’s lots more to consider but this is turning into a novel. Good luck in your move.
  9. While this thread has been mildly entertaining I’m reminded as I sit here drinking my morning coffee that it’s time for me to make a required deposit......in the toilet. You know....the kind of non-monetary deposit that can be flushed away. Because that’s what this thread has evolved into.....something shitty that needs to be flushed down the toilet. And, with, that, I’m off to the loo.
  10. Amazingly, this guy has 69 rentmen reviews! Even more amazing....nearly all of the are 5-star reviews. 😂. Obviously he hasn’t been reviewed by any Forum members. Im sticking with the professional reviewers and comments on this site.
  11. I received this email from Rent Men this morning. Just posting as a public service announcement The world is changing, so is RentMen! In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic rattling people’s everyday life, we are taking steps to improve user awareness and provide more informative experience to our members. We are glad to inform you that as of Oct.22 we’ll be introducing a new Health Status feature in the About Me section of your profile. This feature will allow you to optionally indicate your health status to other users, so they would be able to make informed decisions. In addition, note that the current COVID-19 SAFE MODE will be removed with the introduction of the Health Status feature. As always, don’t hesitate to contact the Webmaster in the RM chat, if you have any questions or experience difficulties with the new feature. Regards, The RentMen Team
  12. I suspect he’s found his market price. If he can command that price, more power to him. We talk from time to time and indications are he’s not lacking for clients. My time with him was delightful. And, yes! He’s increased his price since we’ve last seen each other.
  13. Thank you for schooling me on what I can post here in the Forum. Geez, get a life!
  14. I live in an Iowa town that has a Maidrite restaurant. It’s an indulgence I treat myself to on a weekly basis. That and a pork tenderloin sandwich. Love me a Maidrite sandwich.
  15. I live in an Iowa town that has a Maidrite restaurant. It’s an indulgence I treat myself to on a weekly basis. That and a pork tenderloin sandwich. Love me a Maidrite sandwich.
  16. As usual, I’m late to the party! I’m confident I’ll never reach the 100,000 posting milestone. But I do enjoy those who post frequently and the information I’m able to glean. If it weren’t for this site and @marylander1940 I wouldn’t know the meaning of “yinz”. Y’all can look that up on this site. All of you are the best.
  17. https://rentmen.eu/MidwestHungJock I’ve seen this provider twice and had a very enjoyable time both times. While I didn’t get out my ruler and actually confirm his exact penis length I can confirm it’s huge by anyone’s standards. If a 10” plus penis is mandatory for you to celebrate your birthday you might ask this guy to send you a picture of him actually measuring his penis so that you’re not short-changed an inch. Good luck in your search! And, Happy Birthday!
  18. https://www.companyofmen.org/reviews/scammed-by-leomuscle-r35/ Perhaps posting a link to the review will help get the word out. If the link to the review isn’t allowed in the Deli section please feel free to delete this posting. I’m on to better things now. Dinner awaits and then Masterpiece Theatre. Peace everyone!
  19. I’ve learned something today. Thanks for the search tip.
  20. I swear I searched the Las Vegas ads and came up empty. Ugh! Thanks, @rvwnsd.
  21. Does anyone know if Alex Hawk has retired? He used to be based out of Las Vegas. Searched RM but came up empty. One of the nicest, most sincere gentleman I’ve ever met.
  22. https://rentmen.eu/Kevinlatinosteel I don’t need any information on this guy but I did want to confirm something I’ve always read about here in the Forum and that is providers will put out feelers to see if there is enough interest in a particular city before making a trip to that city. I contacted this guy about a potential meeting and he very politely texted me back the following: ”I’m sorry. I just put a random placebut I am not there. I am somewhere else having some days off. Thanks for contacting me, I will have in mind this destination for booking a travel for real.” FWIW....I’m not hold my breath he’ll ever come to Fairfield, IA. 😂 As a point of note, Fairfield is a town of 10,000 in southeast Iowa and home to Maharishi University.
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