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Posts posted by klifhangar

  1. Wow. What an appropriate name for a show on Fox. ;) I Googled it and I would have guessed Sean Hannity was the star.


    Seriously, neither of the stars you named are the guy in the GIF. Was he just some extra hanging around? If you know his name, my boyfriend Kenny and I would appreciate it. Kenny thought he might get some workout tips, and I figured he might be good for a threeway.


    The seemingly plastic lower half doesn't look like much fun.

  2. I was, believe it or not, also very naive, and not nearly as self-confident as my experiences in my post above may have made me seem lol. In particular, I still fantasize about my "friend #2" in my post, whose name was Tim. He actually tried to seduce me several times, and though I know I wanted that, I wasn't really as aware of the signals he was sending, and not secure enough to understand that he really did want me. (I remember after my first experiment trading bj's with him, that afterward I desperately wanted to ask him if we could do it again sometime, but I was too shy to ask, thinking he might say no.) I can think of several times we hung out that things could have happened...and though we lost touch for a while during our teens, I regret not seeking him out for maybe a date or something when I was in high school and ready to come out.


    I can think of another friend as well, Steven, who used to occasionally hint about blow jobs, but I was too shy to take the bait lol. We hung around a lot, but never got into anything sexual. We probably could have. (I do remember one time we were looking at a girlie mag together, and his hot comments about the pictures were turning me on. I remember him asking if I was getting a boner, and he kidded me about my denying it. But it never went beyond that. It should have, somehow.)


    It's also interesting to me that those that clearly were hinting, all went on to be in straight relationships/marriages (including me). I have a coupe of buddies now that are married, kids etc. that hint, I think. I guess I'm still probably missing hints ;)

  3. Funny I can't imagine having done anything w friends growing up. I was also super naïve and, as I look back now, I can think of many times when someone was probably hinting and I didn't pick it up. There was this super handsome guy I hung out with in high school who once asked me if I had had a blowjob before then was talking about how sucking a guy probably wasn't much different then eating pussy... I don't know.. maybe he was hinting. Funny I kind of wish I had recognized and taken advantage of some of those opps back when I was crazy horny and the slightest sensation was overwhelming.

  4. Well, while y'all don't know me that well, I hope I can put any hesitations to rest. I "hung out" with Kerry this evening and honestly... I'm not one to rave about anyone but.. good god above. What a great guy in every way. Better looking than his pics, if that's possible, gentle, kind, intelligent, charming, incredibly giving and assuring and strong and hot and tasty and handsome. Most of all, Kerry is incredibly likeable. I was afraid I would miss out on... because I just loved talking to him.


    God, that body and that face. Ah man... if you have a chance to hang out with the guy. Do it. Better yet, don't so I can keep him to myself.

  5. I dated and eventually married a girl when I was young but still had curiosities. Looking back, I was awfully naïve and think of several times that guys were definitely hinting. A couple were as hot as any escort. I didn't pick up the signals or was just too uncertain of what would happen.

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