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Bryan Dube

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Everything posted by Bryan Dube

  1. what hub were you flying out of if you don’t mind me asking? And how filled was the flight? Were airports busy? Lines? I’m flying sfo > jfknext month on the 25th and just a bit anxious that I won’t be able to social distance. Apologies for the hundreds of questions. Haha.
  2. Lol. i mean i'm having ongoing conversations with him right now, he definitely has not remained celibate during shelter in place i can tell you that. haha.
  3. I really really want to meet up with https://rentmen.eu/JakeKlerin right now, but am currently sheltering in place at my parents in SF. am really scared to bring it home to them, so that has kept me from pulling the trigger at this point. i guess i'll have to wait til i get back to nyc.
  4. Wowowow. He is beautiful. Totally my type. Might have to give him a go when it's safe.
  5. Yeah I signed up again recently just for shits and giggles, and I’ve noticed a huge influx of messages from south American countries. Also, a lot of straight guys just looking to scam money out of you online. ? I’m only looking for local too, so I’ve been having to sift through a lot.
  6. It's not just the large amount of testing and contact tracing (both of which we undoubtedly need), but they are making sure and have been making sure that patients who test positive are well. even those with mild symptoms. that's why their fatality rates are significantly lower. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/04/world/europe/germany-coronavirus-death-rate.html "They call them corona taxis: Medics outfitted in protective gear, driving around the empty streets of Heidelberg to check on patients who are at home, five or six days into being sick with the coronavirus."
  7. i'm not a doctor, but from what i've been reading about the way successful countries (germany for one) have treated this is that they monitor and provide care for patients who have tested positive, no matter how mild their symptoms are. whereas here in this country, we are telling patients to stay home when they are showing symptoms. and by the time they go out to seek care it is far too late and they are already presenting with a severe case that requires ventilation. it seems to me that we need to completely reexamine how we're managing patients who test positive.
  8. As soon as we there is a more effective treatment/therapy and we have fully available testing both diagnostic/antibody, i'm going to rent out a room and have a 4 man or more orgy lol.
  9. Thank you, thank you a thousand times for everything that you're doing right now during this crisis pk. you are a true hero. and we all are forever indebted to you. just curious how many "young/fit" patients you're actually seeing coming in having to be hospitalized, and are they seemingly fit, but maybe have underlying conditions? i'm in sf now sheltering in place, but live in nyc and it makes me nervous as a healthy/relatively fit 37 year old with no underlying conditions who is eager to get back to nyc. :/ ?thank you!
  10. Definitely would jump on this one if he were available.
  11. Thank you so much for sharing purplekow. you are a hero and inspiration to all. <3
  12. He does a little. idk if it's the red hair, but i'm into both haha.
  13. no i mean, i saw him on the subway once. haha. i wish i had a meeting with him.
  14. I wish i knew more of which instagram models were available. lots of hot ones. i've been lusting after Kevin for the longest time. have seen him in nyc once. he's beautiful. https://www.instagram.com/kevin_adrian95/?hl=en
  15. What a shame. An otherwise beautiful man.
  16. Am curious as well...he has some reviews on rmen.
  17. Beautiful guy. New to rmen. Haven't seen anything on him. Thoughts? And goooo. https://rentmen.eu/TrevorTalavera
  18. Oh boo. that sucks haha. Always had a soft spot for him back in the day.
  19. Wait...THE josh? what bar?? i'll have to make a trip to orlando. haha
  20. I had arranged to meet up with him in 2018, and he had flaked on me then too. He was on SA at the time. It doesn’t seem like he’s all that willing to follow through. ??‍♂️
  21. I'm in my mid 30's and i've been hiring for a number of years now. it's just easier than spending hours and hours on grindr, only to be flaked upon. Also, i have very specific fetishes and desires in bed. Also, it's easier and there is no expectation of dating or forming an emotional relationship afterwards or beforehand. just my two cents.
  22. On rmen. Anyone have any experience with?
  23. supposedly it's him...was hoping someone could confirm that they've met him in person.
  24. might try and make this one happen. planning a trip to LA next month. still no one with any experience?
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