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Posts posted by beachboy

  1. I just want to give a shout out to all the providers here on the forum.


    I hope you're all doing ok ? during this pandemic that has kept so many of us away from your delightful company & the glorious and blissful experiences you provide. For us it's frustrating ? but for you with your livelihoods at stake it must be doubly difficult. I hope you have a rainy day fund to carry you through till we can meet up with you again.


    I also hope ? you're keeping yourselves fit cos many of us have saved our hobby money ready to splurge wads of cash on our favourite guys when the time comes. I envisage queues around the block waiting to exhaust you in hours of hot ? steamy carnal excess. I can't wait!


    Till we meet again xx

  2. Hey guys,


    I have been a Massure for 9 years, I always had a passion for photography. I picked up my first camera back in 2013. I always wanted to have a industrial loft for my studio, Living in NYC has tons of them. Even though I am not crazy busy with photography I felt getting a studio will keep me focused and push me to achieve my goals this year.


    I just signed my first commercial lease in Brooklyn. I am nervous but excited.


    If you guys are in NYC and need photos let me know ;-)



    Congratulations & good luck to you ;)

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