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Everything posted by AshburyGuy

  1. The guy covered in rose petals is his co-star in The Disappointments, a new web series he's trying to get finished.
  2. Rich Burns. If you're not following him on Instagram, you should. https://www.instagram.com/heyrichray/
  3. San Francisco had 13 pages on RM before the virus. Now we're at 8. So, down almost 100.
  4. Glad to see Drew Sebastian making porn again. Now, if he would just return to escorting...
  5. My experience with him, as well. I love when things just happen naturally.
  6. I've been a member since 2015 and have 16 5-star reviews attached to my account (if someone doesn't rate 5 stars, I usually don't review or don't have it attached to my account). He only asked what I was into and not when I wanted to get together so only answered the question he asked. I will take azdr0710's advice and send a short note asking if he received my response and offering a specific time to get together.
  7. I agree and have let it go but it does seem odd that he had "Available now" when I texted him (and I had all day yesterday free), and he has "Available now" again this morning.
  8. I texted him, saying I liked his ad and asked what his rate was. He responded quickly and asked what I was into. I replied with a few things I like (all in his "I am into" list) and never heard back from him.
  9. https://rentmen.eu/JullianHng/ He was Knukklhead a couple of weeks ago. Does anyone remember another name he may have used? He's been on Rentmen since 2015 so figured he must have been discussed somewhere.
  10. He's relatively new to both sites. Rentmen not even one month, and RentMassuer just over four.
  11. Phone numbers are still showing up for me.
  12. If someone charges 250 for an hour and I've had a really good time, I usually leave 300, which is what I've imposed on myself as a threshold for hiring (of course, there are exceptions). If I hire someone at 300 and I've had an exceptionally good time, I leave 350.
  13. I told him before hiring that deep, passionate kissing was important to me for a connection and he replied. "Yea, I do". Kissing during our encounter, he said, "No tongue."
  14. Formerly GngrMuscle. Highly recommend!
  15. I hired him recently and while his 9 inches is very impressive, that's about where it begins and ends with him.
  16. Yeah, I know Griffin had a massage ad in the past but did he ever have an escort ad?
  17. And the other account was just made two days ago. Proceed with caution. My Spidey Sense is piqued.
  18. Maybe you could recommend a few others that might be willing to do it. That way you could fulfill your, "That not all Mississippians are hate mongers and you can have a good life in a red state." goal.
  19. I hired him a few years ago and had a decent enough time that I hired him again (this time for an erotic massage). He had shaved his pubic hair completely off by this time (hadn't posted those pics at the time). That's a very big turn-off for me so never returned.
  20. This must be March, 1967 as she mentions she's in town for Liza and Peter Allen's wedding.
  21. Was. He and Kev were together for a few years. https://rentmasseur.com/Kev
  22. Disappointing for me, as well. While I wouldn't call it a terrible experience, I wouldn't repeat. Yes, he is very handsome and has an amazing body but I didn't think his massage skills were all that great and he seemed very detached.
  23. It started a few weeks ago for me when I visited JoeMyGod and now Rentmen is the second site I visit that does it.
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