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Everything posted by glennnn

  1. Tondalao Lipschitz Bernadette Putfarken Agrippina Smirnov
  2. Stop! Stop! You're killing me! I'm dehydrated from shedding tears of mirth. This is the funniest thread ever. Thanks, everyone.
  3. Emergency Urologist.......Doctor Mike Oxswollen
  4. The one on the left is a switch hitter?
  5. The story was kind of sketchy. I went to the comments hoping for more info. More fool me! I have to break myself from the habit. The comments are rarely elucidating and always annoying.
  6. I saw these mags here and there and wanted desperately to buy them, but didn't have the nerve. I stole a couple (down the front of my pants) and wore them out in the bathroom. I used to dream that Rock Hudson, George Nader and other movie stars were gay, although I knew they couldn't be. Handsome, famous men werent queer! If only I had known, I would have enjoyed more in the Rock- Doris Day movies than just her costumes. Ah, Rock! He was one gloriously handsome man and was having it off with Nader all the time. Now that would have been a movie to see.
  7. Nice story with a happy ending. Don't read the comments. People just can't give the political bullshit a rest, even after reading a story about a pet being saved. Pathetic!
  8. Elton John has turned out a wonderful body of work consistently throughout his life time which pretty much matches mine. I can practically relive my days through listening to him. Add all of the Beatle's , Sinatra's and Ella Fitzgerald's songbooks and I'm in heaven.
  9. glennnn


    So sorry! Life can be a hard road to travel......
  10. glennnn


    Ah gees, William. We all were. That's not a small regret, buddy, that's so poignant and sad. Why did we have so much trouble reaching out, helping and accepting each other? But isn't it great that we can now? And all the more reason to be good to each other.
  11. glennnn


    I agree that regret is one useless emotion, UNLESS you learn from it. I didn't, in the case of hitting on one of the guys in the dance company back in 1968. Or maybe I did learn, but it took me 40 years to get it. Maybe that regret and others like it made me finally accept myself as a gay man (I'm soooooooo tired of the phrase about "coming out of the closet"), introduce myself to my family and finally have sex with men. So, yes, regrets are a waste of time, because you can't change the past, but you can change the future.
  12. glennnn


    Once upon a time I was a tech roadie with the Utah Ballet. Although I was too closeted to even wink at any of the guys, their sight and SMELL filled my wet dreams. I never even tried!!!!! (Regret #127)
  13. I am. Can't talk now. Checking flights to DC....... If only!
  14. Was this for me? Thank you! An amazing group of men. Years ago I was traveling with a ballet troupe as a stage tech and on a day off the whole company, boys and girls, went skinny dipping in Zion Park. There was a huge rock above a deep pool and they took turns doing dance leaps and turns off the rock into the water below. So many beautiful bodies. I was in heaven. Ah! My hippy days.
  15. Then how about Richard Engel. A great face, not classically handsome, but hot as hell!
  16. I'm watching a lot of news as this insane election proceeds, and I'm seeing some really hot men commenting. Who do you find a turn on? I choose Thomas Roberts of MSNBC, but there are plenty of others. Who is your fav?
  17. A man traveling calls home to his brother to check on the welfare of his cat. He asks, "How is Tiger?" His brother replies, "He's dead." The man screams, "Oh my God! You can't break it to me like that! That's awful. You have to give me time to adjust and get ready. First, you say, 'He's on the roof and we can't get him down.' Then, when I call the next day, you say that he hasn't eaten and he's looking weak. And then, about the third day, you can tell me he's dead! " "By the way, how is Mom?", he asks. Pause "She's on the roof and we can't get her down."
  18. All beautiful, but #3 curls my fingers and toes.
  19. Damn! I'm going to be late for work. After viewing this gallery, something has come up that I have to see to. At least I'll have a big smile on my face when I get there. Thank you, Moondance.
  20. Ah yes, tightie whities! Brings back vivid memories of high school and college gym locker rooms where I struggled to not look, failed miserably, tried to conceal my erection and hoped I wouldn't get pounded by the jocks. Is it any better today? Do straight guys just accept or ignore our obvious interest? I'm really curious. I haven't been in a locker room for probably forty years. What is the atmosphere like today? Are we allowed to look? I hope so. My very handsome, straight son says he takes another guy's interest as a compliment and just gently declines any offers.
  21. LSHIBCOOMN. (Laughed so hard, I blew Cabernet out of my nose.)
  22. Bathing, showering is such a personal, private, intimate activity. I absolutely love sharing a shower with another man. These photos are both hot and tender. I think it is time for me to schedule a date with an escort (fanning myself frantically). Thank you!
  23. I also enjoy the more mature, but very sexy guy at 29. Bet he could teach me plenty, and I love getting educated.
  24. #20, .....so much more than a mouthful, or an assful, but one must keep stretching his limits, or die trying. I'm ready and willing. And what a way to go!
  25. Fingers! So hot! Who knew? Thanks, Moondance. You make it hard..........for me to breathe.
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