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Everything posted by Cliff

  1. His biceps, in particular, are amazing.
  2. Hey guys, I just saw Mr Goodbody. This is not a review, but I will say that he looks exactly like his photos — aka super hot — and is a very nice, super friendly, and down to earth guy. I’m happy I found a sexy new (and reliable and punctual) escort in NYC. I plan to go back for seconds. And thirds. And...
  3. I met with Bruce about 6 weeks ago. My views on him remain unchanged from my previous posts in this thread. He’s still a sexy, dependable pro.
  4. MaxMuscle: your settings now no longer have a link to “Start A Conversation”, preventing forum members from PMing you.
  5. My educated guess tells me that he is exasperated by posters compromising masseurs’ license with their talk of extras.
  6. Wow to both of them. Anyone experienced either? Very interested.
  7. I agree with LaffingBear 100%. I’m gonna see this escort again. And again.
  8. The guy in the photos was more muscular and had some hair on his chest. But both photos and person had a huge cock. I think I got hypnotized by it. Ha ha
  9. In hindsight, this should probably have been placed in the Deli section.
  10. Met with an escort yesterday and it was hot as hell. One of the best encounters I’ve ever had, and I knew I wanted to return for more. Later I looked at the photos of him in his ad, and realized it wasn’t the guy I met with! I kind of have a big issue with this. But then, again, if it was so great, why should I care? Wondering what you guys think.
  11. Mike Gaite kisses like he means it. I love that.
  12. I’ve tried to set up a session with Diesel FIVE times over the past 2 years. He has not replied once. I gave up and never looked back. Other fish in the sea. Damn hot fish, too.
  13. I don’t believe Rainer is escorting. I think that was a short-term thing and he decided to stick with masseuring only. Does anyone know differently, with any certainty?
  14. Hey NiceGuy, I can’t find Tyler Adams on Rentmen. You have a link for him? Thanks, guy!
  15. Jay Anthony is not old OR fat! He’s a well built muscle guy. He’s probably 40 (unsure) and is handsome, much more than his pics show. Massage is amazing. He knows what he’s doing. Massages you head to toe and everything feels great.
  16. A year ago he was handsome and sexy, not old nor fat. Are you basing your comments on a recent experience with him?
  17. I doubt it. His profile says PNP.
  18. From what I understand, some guys who advertise as tops actually love to bottom OR will bottom for more cash OR will bottom if the chemistry is right (aka they think the client is hot). Then again, some guys who advertise as tops will only top and there’s no changing their mind no matter what. Summary: This question can’t be answered with a universal response. Your best bet is to ask the guy ahead of time, and then again when you meet face to face. Does this make sense to everyone? It’s more or less how I see it. Cheers.
  19. Hey guys. With all due respect, whatever opinion we may have of Derek, do you think maybe we should give him a modicum of privacy? Yes, this link takes you to a public record. And yes, Derek is somewhat of a public figure. But IMHO just because Derek fucks guys for a living doesn’t mean we should be delving into and publicizing his court records that involve his ex-wife and his young daughter. I mean, wtf! How about we all just wish him well and get on with our lives. That’s all I have. Thank you.
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