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Everything posted by steed8

  1. Giving serious contemplation across the room.. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-GSEEKvqYI6E/VN5xQLmVuwI/AAAAAAABBC8/0b2QFevLQM8/s1600/10924807_678987415544856_1360389271345459697_n.jpg
  2. Daddy has the look and the assets from head to toe to be quite accommodating!
  3. P.J. Dixon perky pecs pics from over a decade ago & also more recently. http://www.smutjunkies.com/updates/wp-content/uploads/models/104/104789.jpg
  4. More of Pete showing that he is the epitome of huge 'n hairy pecs! http://www.manhuntdaily.com/files/2014/08/Pete-Kuzak-in-a-series-of-high-quality-nude-photos-for-gay-porn-site-COLT-Studio-Group-10.jpg [url=http://www.manhuntdaily.com/files/2014/08/Pete-Kuzak-in-a-series-of-high-quality-nude-photos-for-gay-porn-site-COLT-Studio-Group-10.jpg][/url] http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-EsF7KcUujPQ/Uyr9DAXn4vI/AAAAAAAC2mY/JGM5WAOqE00/s1600/Pete-Kuzak-COLT-Studio-Group-gay-porn-model-12.jpg
  5. Vintage Pete Kuzak http://www.manhuntdaily.com/files/2014/08/Pete-Kuzak-in-a-series-of-high-quality-nude-photos-for-gay-porn-site-COLT-Studio-Group-7.jpg
  6. A long time sexy favorite of mine out of the Colt Studios stable of men! Known as Pete Kuzak, he turned up on a Home & Garden landscaping tv episode in 2004. I'd link the vid of the show here but don't want to reveal his real name. http://musclebears.livejournal.com/85860.html
  7. Magnificent pex needing either a 2 handed or a 4 handed working over.
  8. Also found at the pecs and nips gallery. http://38.media.tumblr.com/789ba3d35c562968697fdc0915260b11/tumblr_ndhjrpkWAJ1r5nmbpo1_500.gif
  9. Grrr.... http://38.media.tumblr.com/789ba3d35c562968697fdc0915260b11/tumblr_ndhjrpkWAJ1r5nmbpo1_500.gif
  10. The mega pecs of Muscle Adonis, aka Dylan out of LA! Seen here in a smooth state.
  11. Pecs AND nips magnifique, tailor made especially for some of us, Mr. whipped guy
  12. Wonderful muscle coexistence in the form of huge pex chiseled on above a shredded midsection.
  13. Double posted for here & over at the really big boys gallery. Massive muscle with a pecs-o-rama buffet on display!
  14. A gorgeous, meaty & solid pair with that nice overhang thing working well for him (us).
  15. A nice 'n sexy pair of pex just awaitin' with easy & willing access assured.
  16. A great side view of what I call pod's=pecs of death! Each pec is big enough and producing enough of the shelf/overhang thing that 2 pair of hands could easily have plenty to work with simultaneously.
  17. http://images.yuku.com.s3.amazonaws.com/image/png/d5f16819c735dd70173e59a50b7c570c1069e379.png http://farm8.static.flickr.com/7154/6703590167_4e4b4ff771.jpg http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/12328237_199223903776286_1606798271_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTIwNDU1NDIyMDkzMTA2Nzc4OA%3D%3D.2 http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/12445767_482934561911768_1703171022_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTIxMzIyNjg2MDgzOTM4MjczOQ%3D%3D.2
  18. http://photos.modelmayhem.com/photos/130707/17/51da085317a0b.jpg
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