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Everything posted by steed8

  1. Wow! What an ass, as in terms of his butt & not of him being an asshole. Truth, our tastes overlap way too much for us to be on the forum simultaneously!
  2. Wow! He's living in some pricey digs in them there Hollywood Hills! Nice pics featuring a sexy body & an impish grin. Give the man bonus points on that alone!
  3. Yeah, Truth.. He "works" for me too. Please send him my way when you are done with him. You and other men here may recall this stunning & nicely hung physical specimen from his days as a handsome & muscled icon of porn circa the "vintage" era of the late 90's & later who was known by the nom de porn Rob Rossi. As the previous pic & the one below show, Rob had a plenty of pectoralis pleasure to give! Imagine getting a hold of that lovely pair! http://www.gaytime.info/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/rob-rossi-8.jpg
  4. http://www.gymstud.com/hot/Hank_Lawton_3.jpg
  5. Then there's this... and this... and this... http://images.juicygaypornpics.com/26/79855/eee04bcda2208758b8634d1c93162740/10.jpghttp://www.smutjunkies.com/updates/wp-content/uploads/models/134/134143c.jpg
  6. You really do know how to please, friend!
  7. A sexy, sexy balding 'n hairy hunk of a man made even more special by virtue of his lovely foreskin!
  8. Damien Crosse, seen in action working on ass cheeks in the gif here, is always a very active & lusty participant in his sex scenes, no matter the theme or particular range of sexual activities. Damien is a 5-star dynamo, imho! And he is available, fyi...
  9. Ain't he a handsome & ripped beaut, Marylander? And he is German & thus probably uncut!
  10. The very unlikely part that's the hole in your "alternate" plotline: "AW: We'll get caught!" As if AW's public persona as we know of it to this point could really care about the risk of that happening...
  11. And how many years has he said he was "30"? I'm not ageist but I don't appreciate mislabeling or b.s. in advertising. Moving beyond that, if these pics really are accurate, he'd push my buttons big time even if he were 5o!
  12. Here's a re-post of an extremely sexy foreskin that I put up in a different gallery topic thread. There's so very much to like about this wonderful specimen of man but I'll focus only on his foreskin. The gathered skin seen below the covered head is extraordinarily appealing to me. Not only does it dangle well beyond the end of the shaft but it has a nicely puckered-skin gathering near hte opening along with a small extra little flap of skin dangling on down which constitutes the end of the skin. That small extra flap sort of reminds me of a fat lip, and is always a bonus find when I run across one! My experience has been that it's very sensitive & tailor made for play time! Below it find a vid link to pornhub. At around 1:25 in,the sucker gets a hold of the end of the foreskin for a nice stretch done using his talented mouth. The "flap" I've been discussing here is not evident in that scene. http://visitmexicopress.com/images/377643.jpg https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5b9386292c238
  13. http://g.globalfight.com/plog-content/images/muscles-men-hot-muscular-gym-jocks-pumped-man-flexing/gym-benchpressing-curls-curling-workouts-workingout-photos/dad-nude-bathroom-pissing-break-candid-pics.jpghttp://fitness.bf-1.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/11056.jpg
  14. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3YDKgt9qYMw/UX9rnhD-RJI/AAAAAAAA5Oo/cTQ2m2cTJLI/s1600/HairyDads&Co_Jake+Norris+(10).jpghttp://www.blackpornmaster.com/blog/files/theo_moore_6.jpghttp://visitmexicopress.com/images/377643.jpg
  15. http://arnoldzwicky.s3.amazonaws.com/LutzLegendOfHercules.JPGhttp://gaymusclefuck.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Hot-Older-Male-Brendan-Patrick-Hairy-Dad-Naked-Amateur-Gay-Porn-05.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bPWCB_bYq1s/Tqr77etIR8I/AAAAAAAAOA4/GYNE0pi7hCA/s1600/ChadAllenClark2.jpeghttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/-blq-GDIj6Lk/VsR8G9pMOYI/AAAAAAAA_us/NdL0RVPRTbs/s1600/Chad%2BWhite%2Bfor%2BBench%2BBody%2BThe%2BShowroom%2B2016%2B4.jpg
  16. Alec may have been LA-based but is no longer in the business, correct? I seem to recall his active posting here in the past as a member. Bashful, you were fortunate to have met Alec in view of his attractiveness & the fact that you had a stellar experience in his company. Thank you for sharing that lovely reminiscence!
  17. It is the "Large Penis Support Group". I signed on there as a member a moment ago but was not able get the linked vid to play. I would need to upgrade my membership in order to get access to it which is curious given that I have access to much of their large vid archive. A friend tipped me off to the LPSG site years ago & suggested that I (qualilified) should join. LOL!
  18. One of my own personal favorite foreskin types is found at the 1st pic. I too would be smiling like the model is if I possessed such a beauty of a foreskin! Sometimes referred to as an "anteater", the long skin seen there drapes the length of the shaft & ends with a long overhanging extension of skin that provides a nice, fairly loose opening gap that culminates at it's bottom point in a flap of dangling skin. That opening & the dangling skin provide ready access up into the head area as well as to the underside of the skin & also presents skin admirers, who may be into play/worship/stretching done by either the mouth, the fingers or by toys, plenty of skin to work with! My experience has been that generally-speaking the men who have long skin or dangling skin with these qualities are often into having generous attention paid to their skin. I've found that the wide opening & looser end of dangling skin (so nicely illustrated in pic #1) are often indicators that the man with such skin has spent time in playing with &/or stretching his own skin so as to accentuate the appearance & apparent readiness of it for play & stimulation. The 2nd pic here is of another favorite type of mine. I'll keep it short to say that the thick skin at the opening presents both a delightful appearance as well as the promise of lots of thick folds of skin for admiration & play/worship! In the "if only" category, I would gladly be available to teach graduate level courses on skin appreciation that would encompass all of the various techniques of skin ownership & the admiration of it. I'm sure that some of you here possess excellent examples of the varying types of extra folds of skin. A pm is always welcome! http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-s1IV-HuttFU/Vi02vmEhDhI/AAAAAAAAXQw/tIxaMnjXzFw/s1600/hnag_1001_2.jpg http://guystricked.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Thick-Straight-Uncut-Cock.jpg
  19. http://www.randyxboy.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/bo-dixon-jacking-off-coc15.jpg http://www.randyxboy.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/tumblr_n6tzollIPO1rgl1pao3_1280.jpg http://www.randyxboy.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Rocky-LaBarre-gay-porn-star-XXX-The-Guy-Site-hairy-hirsute-muscle-bear-4.jpg
  20. http://www.randyxboy.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/tumblr_mawsngpPDD1qmt7ffo1_500.jpghttp://www.randyxboy.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/tumblr_mx1orix0LY1r7k4xfo1_1280.jpg http://www.randyxboy.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/tumblr_l8cjnzcaKP1qb5612o1_1280.jpghttp://www.randyxboy.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/tumblr_libk82vNH41qa37l5o1_1280.jpg
  21. Piggybacking off of that thought, if his ad is down temporarily or permanently, A.W.'s income will be severely impacted. Plus, the $$$ flow from what he offers at his J4f account can't be relied upon as a sure thing as it may go offline too or at the very least suffer from it's poor product quality. As I wrote the other day, Karma can be a bitch!
  22. If so, it could have been made as a preemptive move for defensive purposes.
  23. A remarkably sexy 'n hot masculine man of mature years! Don't get too close to his groin or he'll poke your eye out!
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