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Everything posted by sync

  1. I broke and took the Amazon Prime offer in order to view RW&RB, and I'm glad I did it. I loved the movie each time I ran it (three times thus far). The last two times I activated the closed caption option because there were times when I just couldn't hear/understand the more subtle utterings. There were three times I actually got teary, when Alex returned to London and he and Henry ran to each other on the stairs, when the supportive crowd gathered outside the palace, and when the Presidential race was called for Claremont's re-election. I pondered a good long time about which of the thirst traps I would want for myself. They both always looked freshly showered and groomed, a look that grabs me every time. Alex certainly owns the tall, dark, and handsome, however, I went for Henry. In addition to his good looks, he has a sexy swagger in his walk, charming demeanor, disarming British speech, athletic ability, and piano skills...hold me back! One little disappointment for me was the lack of the appearance of a real connection between Henry and his dog David. Perhaps that is just me projecting my own concept of dog ownership.
  2. "If you spent as much time doing the job as you have trying to get out of doing the job, the job would be done."
  3. I'm thinking this article is more about having at sex rather than actually having sex.
  4. I'm liking the twunk on the left. His face shows a lot of inner strength and self-confidence. I would probably have to begin our time with rendering him a good spanking. 😛
  5. This one? Mesa Gay Massage - Male Masseurs for Men in AZ - Masseurfinder
  6. A mid-twenties, extremely handsome Pacific Islander, with an obviously well-developed physique. I would have been erogenous roadkill.
  7. Woo! Dibs on the one to the right. 😛
  8. Seems like a lot of axe worship. Be sure to tell him a lot of people know where you are. 😆
  9. I wouldn't dismiss the possibility. This video has some serious food for thought:
  10. For me it's a septuagenarian from NYC who expects people to believe he has never before heard of a "mug shot." 😆
  11. I've seen only the the trailers, and I really like what I've seen. It appears to me that the panning of the movie comes from those wanting a raunchy skin-flick rather than a charming love story. I'm holding out until the movie is available without being sucked into an Amazon Prime subscription. It's probably going to be awhile.
  12. I applaud you. Living in fear is not living.
  13. You have a point, however, these days travelling to a local concert, movie theatre, supermarket, faith service, school, sports event, mall, or just about any other stay-at-home or near-home activity can get your ticket punched.
  14. Unfortunately, it's all too common. Just try to have a little fun and life craps on you. I hope he has a good recovery and can one day laugh about it.
  15. I can totally relate to your friend. There was a time when I would consult with one of my old friends before boarding (Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, I.W. Harper, Old Grand-Dad). Things were pretty good when I boarded the plane, but, as soon as I heard the whine of the engines, my friend was gone.
  16. This just begs for that "golden oldie." A man hires a painter and asks him to paint his back porch. When the painter comes to collect his fee, he says "by the way, that's not a Porsche, it's a Mercedes.
  17. In retrospect, I believe you are entitled to an explanation for my misinterpretation of your statement. Understand, I'm not playing the blame game or attempting to nullify my oversight, however, if your statement had shown more sentence structure rather than dependence upon punctuation, I believe my misunderstanding might have been avoided. Your statement reads "You just lost me with that strawman. Stick to the topic we're talking about." Had your statement read "You just lost me with that strawman argument," or "You just lost me with that strawman point of view," or "You just lost me with that strawman crap," I might have seen "strawman" differently. In any event "ducking out" is not the way I would like to be remembered.
  18. If you re-read my post you may see I was not comparing air travel to climate change, I was noting the similarity of the "sky is falling" and "climate-change" denial attitude. This has been "engaging," but I'm done with it. "Talk amongst yourselves." 🙂
  19. You called it. Nothing has helped me past the dred of boarding a plane. I just "bite the bullet" as best I can. When I look at those amazing aircrafts, I see flying caskets.
  20. If you and @BenjaminNicholas would read/re-read the original posting you may notice that the "topic at hand" is the diminishing number of air traffic controllers, which is leading to close calls ("at least 46 in the last month"). It is you and @BenjaminNicholas who began siting off-topic airplane to automobile accident/fatality ratios, which is not mentioned one time in the original post. Also, referring to someone as a "strawman" is hardly a simple comment.
  21. Personal attacks = no argument.
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