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Everything posted by Reisr30

  1. I am crushing on Dr. Scott Gotlieb. I think he’s cute but I think it’s the way he speaks and come off as really smart ?
  2. OMG the guy is HOT!! [MEDIA=instagram]B0goZRqDoIF[/MEDIA]
  3. I regret having started this thread and did not mean it to veer into unacceptable territory. Perhaps @Guy Fawkes or one of the administrators can delete or lock it.
  4. I don’t mean to be nit picky but was he really attacked? I think she intimidated him out of her area to protect her cubs. I do agree he is cute. On a separate note, is there a male equivalent for the term Cougar? Just curious...
  5. When I was able to bottom I usually came while getting pounded. It was an amazing feeling; I really miss bottoming
  6. I did consider the report link but it requests name and email address and I don’t feel comfortable submitting my personal info to MB.
  7. The word insane I agree is probably coming off as judgmental. The more appropriate word and what I should have used was “unacceptable”.
  8. “Looking for couples groups or anyone interested in taboo family fun bestiality or has fetishes they wouldn't tell anyone I promise I'm have the sickest fantasies. Ur get ur money worth” Is it me or is this not a completely insane profile?
  9. Oh wow! I always thought his analysis was pretty good. I don’t understand people; you shouldn’t do laundry during work hours and you shouldn’t toss off either if you’re a remote worker. Sigh...
  10. I was driving back from Trader Joe’s and saw a super hot guy who looked to be late 20s or early 30s our for a run while pushing a stroller. Now that was a DILF I’d like to meet...
  11. Unfortunately I haven’t traveled to LA or anywhere since last year and my go to guy in LA (Kerry Slate) seems to have retired ?
  12. Profile name has changed this one works for me https://rent.men/Shane_Amari
  13. Although in the near future there may be no treatment for some bacterial STIs due to antibiotic resistant strains: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4555895/
  14. BLT is one of my favorites and i do listen to the streaming version on amazon; I just miss the one I remember listening to in the 80s
  15. I have a large cd collection but my car no longer has a CD player ( I think they are being removed from new cars). I notice that the versions of songs on streaming services don’t match the version on my cd. Example I’m a big New Order fan; I bought the substance CD many years ago. But the Amazon music versions don’t match the ones on the CD. It’s not just old songs a Tame impala song changed on me as well. What’s up with that? ?
  16. Not a doctor but I think since they are bacterial infections they could be transmitted to you if not careful; sure the condom is a barrier of protection but if someone told me they had an sti I probably would refrain from sex. Just my opinion...
  17. Actually asking me to send a photo takes a provider of my list. Kyle Connors is my type but in his RM profile he says a photo is required no exceptions which surprised me: https://rent.men/KyleConnors
  18. Is this Nate’s profile https://rent.men/natestetsonx
  19. @xyz48B Ghosting is so de rigueur these days with friends, when applying to jobs and in dating I’m not surprised by it with escorts. I think it sucks as I personally like closure or a definitive answer but I think it’s here to stay
  20. Curious about Turkey. Is it safe? Also I thought I read the us govt flags travel to Turkey. Thoughts?
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