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Everything posted by Reisr30

  1. I thought he was talking about NextDoorStudios! I guess I watch way too much porn...
  2. It still makes me smile when I hear the golden girls theme song when watching reruns on hallmark channel (I am no longer a closeted hallmark channel viewer ?)
  3. I am reluctant to say since it’s not very many but it’s been 20 or so. ?
  4. He looks really familiar but I have not met him.
  5. Omg, I guess I understood when forum members wrote yinz what it meant but always wondered where the heck that came from. This article clarified it at the end lol. I feel kind of dumb: it’s the equivalent of y’all in Pittsburgh ? https://www.yahoo.com/news/us-county-executive-goes-viral-191029179.html
  6. I wonder if they have Pastafarians there too.... ? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster
  7. Isn’t that the case with models too? Male models make a lot less than female models
  8. Thanks! I found the link I saw years ago.! It was Bryan Singer but it was never confirmed. I doubt it to be honest since Jess was a total top I think https://www.thesword.com/is-gay-hollywood-director-bryan-singer-fucking-sean-cody-model-jess.html
  9. Wasn’t Jess from Sean Cody Calvin Klein’s sugar baby at one point or am I getting my celebrities confused? If I was uber wealthy I don’t think I’d limit myself; it would all depend on the guy. Gotta run out to buy a lottery ticket now ?
  10. ??Sometimes you forget when it comes to hate and bigotry there are no borders. I live in the NE and always feel grateful to live in a more accepting area of the country or what I thought was more accepting
  11. How horrible. A despicable and cowardly act; I hope they find the perpetrator quickly. I wonder what town Matthew Camp lives in. Did this happen in the south?
  12. Anyone know this gentleman in PS? https://rent.men/Jlapierre/
  13. Skateboard Sliders and Time Cops were two videos were two of my favorite films of his...
  14. Wow $97k?; is that typical or is it because he is a well know plastic surgeon? I had no idea plastic surgery was so expensive
  15. I crossed into the mid century mark recently. Sex life none existent due to covid quarantine but would say I’m still pretty excitable/horny (did I really just admit this in public)...
  16. I completely agree with Kerry Slate; fantastic body and super nice guy Also Anthony in Philly had a great body when I met him
  17. Me too I wish I’d known he escorted; I would be willing to meet with him if he ever came out retirement
  18. Reisr30

    Heedon in Raleigh

    Hmm... When scheduling a meeting with a provider is akin to a job interview, I say it's time to move on...
  19. Is he gay? Just curious not that I’d have a chance in hell with him...
  20. I don’t want to take this ? off track but I’m a complete crypto currency n00b. Do you need to have bitcoins for this? Just curious ?
  21. Completely understand the frustration but it’s the nature of technology and why most companies have DR SOPs in place; very rarely do they have an RPO which does not result in some data loss.
  22. Reisr30

    Heedon in Raleigh

    I am particular about my hair so I don’t think I’d like both simultaneously ?
  23. Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a great day ?
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