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Everything posted by crushme99

  1. May I contribute to your demise, gymowner? - I actually know this guy and sure wouldn't mind getting my hands on those muscles. Plus, yep, definitely blond.
  2. As always, Gymowner, you have superb good taste. This photo in particular heats me up, big time.
  3. Dammm, and here I am . . . stuck in Minnesota.
  4. Wowwww, what a total muscle stud. Yes, any insights?
  5. Does Jett have an Insta or some other visibility beyond Twitter? Oh, wait . . . It looks like this is him on Insta . . . jetthallum
  6. I think gymowner is in a swoon. Can't say that I blame you, bro.
  7. crushme99

    Eli Blahut

    As gymowner said, it is tragic. Some considered Eli to have been an outsider or nonconformist in the competitive bodybuilding world. I suspect that was true, but I always thought his early eccentricities were endearing. It’s terribly sad if things deteriorated beyond that. I had the chance to meet him several years ago when he was competing at the USAs in Vegas. Friendly, engaging, and interesting to talk with. Plus, gotta be honest that it was hot to stand inches away from some truly tempting muscles. I wish things had gone better for him.
  8. To me, also. I love to feel and grab tight onto muscle beneath cloth, kind of like a hint of what is to come. Bulging and pumped and flexing beneath a shirt or pair of jeans. Great way to start a worship session. Then, like a birthday gift, unwrap him and get down to skin stretched tight by rock solid muscle ----- Sorry, I get a little carried away, LOL.
  9. Even though I have not met him, only messaged a couple times, I certainly wish him nothing but the best in whatever may be going on. In my limited communications with him, Bobby has seemed like a sharp, engaging fellow. If you see this, Bobby, please take good care.
  10. A meet-up with him would be great. I would hope he would be continuing with in-person appointments. May I ask what your requests to him were in that video? Hopefully plenty of MUSCLE. 😀
  11. crushme99

    Fargo, ND?

    Metroflex is the hard core gym in Fargo. I know of one NPC competitor who trains there (but he's a straight-arrow military dude). You might be able to check out the scene and do a little window shopping.
  12. My MacBook is my only computer and I am curious, too.
  13. OF content can be downloaded with a Chrome browser extension.
  14. Now I find **that** to be completely unbelievable, Gymowner 😉
  15. On his real-identity Instagram account he posts endless pictures of himself living the life of luxury. Splendid hotels, magnificent beaches, big yachts, and all surrounded by the most beautiful people. He may work his butt off in his entrepreneurial ventures and of course he has every right to follow his own path in life. But his apparent immersion in opulence comes close to making me vomit. Your mileage may vary. He's not as muscular now as "Ryan" was and I will be the first to admit I would have loved having a lot of hands-on time with "Ryan's" excellent physique. I actually came close to arranging a meet-up a couple times. So I guess I would have had a small role in funding the seed capital for his current lifestyle.
  16. A muscular provider I have unfortunately only been with once covered the bases when it came to kissing. He was great at shifting between gentle, romantic kissing and forceful, hungry kissing. Sometimes he would follow my lead on that, being very responsive as I moved between styles. Other times he initiated the alternating. He could "read" me well and did an excellent job. A big thumbs up on that.
  17. Any follow-ups since Bobby's debut here? I hope all is going well.
  18. I'm glad to give a "welcome" too, Bobby. Your BestFlex page – and YOU – look excellent. Feel free to keep us posted and, especially, your thoughts on travel for muscle worship sessions. Have a great week, Bobby, and thanks for joining us and participating.
  19. My apologies, alexslaveboy. I had forgotten that from your earlier post. I'm glad we are all part of the Joey Fan Club. Quite some time ago I messaged with a fellow who had a worship session with Joey and it was so refreshing to hear that Our Guy is, in reality, quite friendly, easygoing, rather playful, and really enjoys showing off for an admirer's attention. I hope to discover that in person and hands-on some day. I suspect Joey is able to turn the "Steel / Daniel Carter" persona on and off as needed (or vice versa?). But best of all, aw man, all that MUSCLE.
  20. I believe the Best Flex info is outdated. A few months ago I messaged with Joey about arranging a muscle worship session. At that time he was living in Missouri. I don't feel at liberty to be more specific than that. I was very, very close to making an arrangement earlier this summer but (1) the group tour which I had hoped to take into his area was cancelled due to insufficient registrations and (2) at that time his region of Missouri was experiencing a very high covid outbreak.
  21. Thank you, gymowner. Based on past messaging, I know YOU are the one with really great taste. I’m glad you had a good experience with Joey. In more recent videos of his, I have been seeing a wedding ring. Lucky wife, who gets to play with all that MUSCLE on a regular basis.
  22. I have a massive thing for Joey. Most especially the friendly, playful side that seems to lie beneath the tough, dom “Steel” persona. I had hoped to a meet with him in what I understand is his home base of Springfield, MO, but the trip was canceled. He seems like a mountain I’d muscle that just loves to show off and be worshipped. My kinda guy.
  23. This must be the same guy on Chaturbate: https://chaturbate.com/musclebullxx29/ He looks like a true muscle bull when he is live on CB. Packed with nothing but muscle and the hot flexing & straining sounds he makes are enough to make a worshipper blow like a geyser. If you are successful in getting your hands on him, oh man myophile, you MUST give us a detailed report on the guy, from his traps down to his calves.
  24. If and when the explicit material is gone, that will dry up like wet towel in Death Valley.
  25. Hmmm, that's also the method by which so many credit card scammers dig their way into your pockets.
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