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Everything posted by crushme99

  1. Looks great, does he do any traveling?
  2. From a client's standpoint, thank you for demonstrating the business side of all this, which is very often unappreciated.
  3. We can switch back and for the between old and new styles? How?
  4. Ahahahaha, I should have been able to decipher that.
  5. Sorry, maybe I'm being awfully dense here, but . . . what's "HE"?
  6. Here is his Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/alex_mecum/?hl=en In particular, check out his piano videos. Wow, he is a very accomplished pianist.
  7. Yup, that's a very good point. I should have done the other research first, rather than immediately posting. With no responses it would have been least confusing for me just to delete the post as no longer relevant. But you have a good insight. THANKS. Interestingly, now that I have made this reply, a "Delete" link does apper below my reply. Apparently replies can be deleted but not the originator's original initial post?
  8. I tried to delete this post, because further research told me what I needed to know about Lucasstorm. Which is: Stay away. https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/lucasstrom-411.122668/ Note: In the updating of this message board (which really looks great) there still does not seem to be a way for the person who creates a thread (me, in this instance) to delete it, which I would have done in this case. Can a delete-by-author be added somehow?
  9. Wow, I think the new look for the forums is FANTASTIC. It's attractive, engaging, and very well organized. Nice work.
  10. Interesting. Thanks very much, Kurtis. See there, I actually learned somethin on a Friday.
  11. Today I was looking in the Las Vegas section of RentMen. Nine screens of guys. But, as almost always seems to happen, "Ryan McCarthy" is the very last listing on the very last page. Are guys able to control the location of their ad? Lock in the position of where the ad appears? Just curious if anybody knows the mechanics of how the ads are sequenced.
  12. My apologies if I have forgotten messaging with you in the past. I appreciate the insights and hope you have a fine weekend. Take care and thanks.
  13. I've messaged with him in the past and I think he would be wonderful. Does he travel other than to NYC? We did discuss a special trip for a meet-up, but financially that's kind of tough for just one client like me to swing. Chicago was discussed, depending on enough clients. Thoughts from anyone? Or from you yourself, Kyle, if you follow this?
  14. I would like to say a special word of "welcome," Diesel. It's a pleasure to have you here on the message board, although I wish the circumstances were different. I do not know if the pic thief who used the nick of "Pro_MBBer_Escort" will continue appearing in the Eric's Gym chat room, but at least now he has been called out. Take care. I hope those plans for you being in Las Vegas in January will work out.
  15. I **very** much appreciate that, Gymowner. The pics were not actually posted; the guy rather quickly gave me pic links during chat. In the Eric's Gym chatroom he certainly chats like he understands the industry. Says he basically runs in the same pack as Ryan Steel and Reese, international travels, Vegas etc. I was thinking the sandy haired pic might be Diesel. And if that back double biceps is also Diesel.... well, fuckkkkkk. The guy said he would be in Vegas Dec. 4 to 7 and would place an ad on RentMen prior to that. In chat I asked if he knew you; he said he knew your nick but not you. I've also sent an email to the addy he gave me as a test, but nothing back yet. I will keep the message board posted. I hope none of this poses a problem for Diesel.
  16. Says: his name is Jake from Brooklyn, was just out in L.A. and heading to Vegas in a couple weeks, $350/hr for stand and pose, doesn't bottom, other things are an upcharge. He used the Eric’s Gym chat room ID of Pro_MBBer_Escort. Gave his email as iamjakesizemore@gmail.com but I did not note his number for texting. Did not reply in chat when I asked if he was on RentMen or Daddy's. Google didn't help. Anybody recognize? http://i63.tinypic.com/120pgdv.jpg http://i65.tinypic.com/ncjdc5.jpg
  17. Certainly looks great . . . whoever.
  18. Much respect for your insights, Gym. Could you msg me with any other info you might feel able to share?
  19. I’m pretty close to that category. I have had four worship meet-ups with two different guys in my life. MUSCLE was, and remains, my priority. With one of the two guys, once, things went farther but not by much. For me, it’s MUSCLE first and foremost. Guess I’m just wired that way.
  20. Ahhhh, all these reassuring reports give courage to us Old Farts.
  21. After I win the billion-dollar lottery tonight ( with one of my two tickets ), I am the one who will be flying that troop of muscle studs all around the world.
  22. Well, I just couldn't stop myself from searching Google for trimix. Not sure I would have the courage: https://app.vidscrip.com/vidscrip/5726cb9fa254a5897c3c91c8?qs=1&q=1
  23. Definitely familiar photos. Great body. But the name I have on my RM Buddy List caption is "Hotmuscleboy." So there has been a change of name.
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