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Posts posted by kaboom35

  1. 24 minutes ago, JEC said:

    Watching a new Netflix Series called "Uncoupled" starring Neil Patrick Harris (NPH).    Series is about a gay couple in NYC who break up after 17 years, the story follows NPH experience post-breakup.   It's a bit like a gay male version of Sex and the City.   Enjoying it so far.....😀

    Definitely watchable and entertaining although a bit too many gay cliche's for me.    I will say the series gave me a whole new infatuation with NPH I didn't know existed before.  

  2. 1 hour ago, caramelsub said:

    I hired him once, he was great. I tried to hire him again in different city but didn’t get a response. He is a huge cummer, so be prepared. 😉 I asked him to cum in my mouth, and  he came like a super soaker. Cum got up my nose, and in both of my eyes. So my eyes were pretty red for the evening. 😂 

    Well that intrigues me to him more.   I love a huge cummer.   I'll watch out for my eyes.  haha 

  3. 17 minutes ago, jessmapex said:

    I met him in Denver last summer. The experience was not particularly memorable. But he was friendly and professional. Pics are a bit dated. 

    Yea someone mentioned that to me as well.  

  4. I asked some of his reviewers on rentmen about him.   Overall they recommend.   One person said he's a fem pretty boi and another said he's masculine.   Sooooo....I don't know what to do with that.  lol 

  5. I had a terrible experience with a very well reviewed escort.  I mean everyone sings his praises on these forums and I was baffled and disappointed that my session with him was not the guy I read about on these forums.  Part of me wanted to give him a bad review and talk shit about him on here but I realized that he could’ve just had a very bad day and I didn’t want to ruin it for other clients who hope to meet him someday.  Personally I don’t think it’s worth tarnishing a beloved escort based on one meeting.    But that’s me.    

  6. 34 minutes ago, BuffaloKyle said:

    Just worked for me when I tested it out.


    I left it on Netherlands and under more options I checked all the boxes. 

    I'm doing the same thing and it's not working.  so weird.  I've never had this issue before.    I tried it on Safari and Chrome.   But I have always used Safari and up until today it has worked.  

    Screen Shot 2022-06-12 at 4.38.31 PM.png

  7. 3 hours ago, advnturpup said:

    Hiring someone without a face pic is risky for me though have done so and been ok (Mike Masters!  More than ok!)

    but had reviews to go on. But no comments about Drtynycman looks.  Info? 

    I asked him to send me a face pic and he did.  

  8. Hey I'm going to be spending the summer in Austin and curious to know if there are "go to" guys who specialize in boyfriend experience in Austin.  The only requirements is that they are really into kissing, top and have a reputation for being an invested companion.   Anything else (race, age, height, etc) doesn't matter to me.  If they are kinky, that's a plus but not required.   Any recommendations for me to look into would be great.  

  9. 7 hours ago, robberbaron4u said:

    If the "hire" presents as crazy and deranged, most probably he is. !!!RUN!!!  

    Ooh I did this with a NY escort I hired.  He seem cool chatting and setting the appointment but once I stepped in his apartment I got a horrible vibe from him that he we was high or doing hard drugs.  He excused himself to his bathroom before we “got started” and he was taking a LONG time in the bathroom.  it was bizarre.   The longer I waited for him to come out of the bathroom the more paranoid I became.  After 10 minutes of him in the bathroom,  I decided to leave quick, which I did, ran out of his place and down the street as quickly as I could in case he would attempt to come after me.   Immediately blocked his number so he couldn’t send a follow up text.  To this day I wonder if he came out of the bathroom sooner what would’ve happened.    

  10. 14 hours ago, Trick said:

    Have you ever walked out on an appointment because the provider asked for the money upfront?  I always just pay up.

    Yes I have. Although that wasn’t the sole reason. I was going through a personal crisis and hired a well reviewed escort to take my mind off things.   He was the nicest guy and absolutely stunning.  I couldn’t take my mind off my personal issues and realized I didn’t want to be there but was going to try and force myself.  After 5 minutes of initial greeting he asked for my payment up front and this really through me for a loop because I didn’t read any reviews of this guy asking other clients this nor discussed beforehand.   Despite his charm and beauty I found it off putting - or maybe I was looking for a reason to leave because I wasn’t horny at all and my mind was elsewhere.   I paid him but then told him I had to leave.   He seemed shocked and tried to convince me to stay - even though he already had my money.   I explained my heart and mind wasn’t into it and he was extremely respectful even though I sensed he thought I wasn’t into him sexually which wasn’t the case at all.   Someday I still want to meet with him as he seems to still be getting great reviews but I no longer live in his city.   We shall see.  Based on my short time in his place he was courteous, sexy as hell, and wanted to make me comfortable so I’ll never say a bad thing about him on these boards despite being asked for payment ahead of time.   

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