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Everything posted by MasssageGuy

  1. The most highly recommended provider is www.privateinternetaccess.com
  2. RJ is OUTSTANDING! One of the best there is. Ask him about his "body bliss" massage.
  3. Anyone have experience with this gent? https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/ftlbodyworks76.shtml
  4. To support a correlation between the amount of ejaculate and the testosterone level. Does a high level of testosterone result in a high level of ejaculate??
  5. Does anyone know of empirical (research) evidence to support this? It sure would be a fun study to be the lab assistant...
  6. Extrapolate This Algorithm to Medicare, Health Care, etc... "United Airlines Exposes Our Twisted Idea of Dignity" " The algorithm that decided to bump Dr. David Dao from an overbooked flight was trained to find the “lowest value customer” to inconvenience -- a coach passenger, naturally, not a business traveler, but also a passenger who had paid less than others and wasn’t a rewards member. In addition, the algorithm considered the immediate cost to the airline of bumping someone, which meant avoiding families, or requiring an overnight stay, to save reimbursement fees. This all makes sense. Companies build algorithms to protect their interests, which in this case are profits. " https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-04-18/united-airlines-exposes-our-twisted-idea-of-dignity
  7. No way... If folks have that much money to "blow", why not spend it on helping someone less fortunate or buying book(s) for a college kid...
  8. A picture is worth a thousand words....
  9. Has anyone had a session or sessions with Jay? Feel free to PM me if you desire.... Bodywork by Jay https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/jaymasseur.shtml
  10. http://www.dumpaday.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/funny-animals-2.jpg
  11. PM me and I can give you more insight...
  12. You are better off on the East side of Florida. Fort Lauderdale or Miami.
  13. http://themetapicture.com/media/funny-lawyer-vs-doctor-court.jpg
  14. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/--Hd9kc_3a7Q/UNXze7A0kjI/AAAAAAAASe8/e5wYhdKH49U/s1600/390113_376643925757877_1173411313_n.jpg
  15. http://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aGxL827_700b.jpg
  16. I've just run into someone who is "trying to build his business" on MF.com. He requests a photo of me. He doesn't respond promptly to e-mail or text. He says he has a table and then doesn't. He asks if I am "law enforcement". Finally makes appointment and then does not confirm. Is this guy a troll or what? Why would someone pay the advertising expense and not follow through? Very, very strange.
  17. Welcome to the Forum! I can recommend someone who is up north of the city that is outstanding if you are willing to take a train ride.... http://www.masseurfinder.com/members/jaymasseur.shtml I am sure other members have better feedback for masseurs in NYC proper. Yes, you will find what you are looking for as in the video. Great choice in video BTW.
  18. Anyone have experience with the gentleman? http://m2.masseurfinder.com/mf/t/4e2a6c.jpg http://www.masseurfinder.com/members/built6foot1.shtml
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