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Posts posted by jeremywalker

  1. As escorts, I don’t think we owe our clients extensive conversation (unless it was otherwise agreed upon). As a human being, you’d be a scumbag to not keep up a good rapport with someone that’s paying you more than what most doctors make. Sure, some clients are easier to get along with than others, and of course the inverse holds true of escorts just as well. With that said, it’s still pretty unlikely that you won’t share some form of common ground to start conversation from. And if there is absolutely nothing to go off of, I’ll let my client tell me something about them that is entirely foreign to me. I like learning new things, which makes the conversation much more organic.


    I have a simple take on client/escort relationships; my least compatible regular clients are still far more easy to converse with than the average guy I’d walk past at Target. But be careful what you wish for though. Some of my most compatible regulars, well, those unlucky SOB’s are now my best friends.


    Regarding frequency, I don’t think either side should bombard nor neglect the other. If a couple dozen texts a week with the occasional phone call or two are too much for the escort, it doesn’t sound like there is much chemistry and it may be time to reconsider. However, don’t forget that escorts are busy people. Our lines are loaded with texts and calls from flakes and jerks playing games. Be patient and don’t hesitate to send a reminder text if you’re feeling like they forgot.

  2. nice choice.... @jeremywalker is a forum member and occasionally chimes in here....he has one new picture posted on his RM ad a couple days ago and has a great rep.....alas, I have no plans (or interest?) to visit Minnesota!


    But why not? It’s so lovely here! Potholes, terrible drivers, frozen tundra climate, the strong passive/aggressive demeanor...you’re really missing out.


    Well, that should cover me for about a month or two. Gentlemen, I hope all is well and don’t forget to delegate trust accordingly among escorts. (That means don’t trust them at all.)

  3. I’m around fellas. And no, I’m not in any legal trouble. I just needed a little personal time to sort some stuff out. I’m working on a blog that details my situation. When I finish said blog, I’ll be sure to post a link on the site here.


    I sincerely apologize for the down time. My contact info is still all the same and now I’ll actually respond. I promise.



    Thanks for understanding.



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