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Posts posted by sincitymix

  1. I been with Matthew. It's thick, but not REALLY thick. When I was blowing him, he only got semi-hard. However when my long-term partner took over, he dais that Matt got hard. So your mileage may very.

    hmm he was rock hard with me.. but as you said guess it could be different for every person.. i know when i wrapped my hand around his cock my fingers barely touched.. and i dont have small hands:P

  2. I have met a number of the Planet Jockboys over the last several years--and every guy I met was excellent, A+. With PJBs, you get guys who look exactly like their photos and are into what the service says they are into.


    If you contact a JockBoy, you are generally communicating with Butch, the manager. (I always insist on speaking with the JBoy himself before I finalize an appointment, and Butch always accommodates me.)


    Does it take a day or two to schedule the JockBoys? Often it does, so you need to start emailing or texting early.


    I don't pretend to understand the website for PJBs, or the travel schedule for the JBs.


    Hmm.. guess its different for everyone. I texted, I got an instant response, told what I wanted and who I wanted and for how long I wanted, and very short notice on when I wanted:P No problem total communication time was like 30 minutes or less, the JB happened to live 5 miles from me lol, and we had a super time :D

  3. i agree. no big surprises, not even melisandre's scene at the end. i didn't see it coming but i wasn't surprised. makes total sense to me that she's been around forever but has a way to disguise herself. maybe the magical necklace? when she takes it off, her real appearance becomes visible. that idea has been used for witches and sorceresses in old fairy tales many times.

    i just don't know what that last scene means. for now, i'm interpreting it that, for so long she thought stannis was azor ahai reborn. she finally realizes that she was wrong, and that jon is azor ahai, and it's too late. jon is dead! at least for the moment. perhaps she's completely devastated? even questioning the faith that her whole life is about?

    so far hbo has not used an important line for melisandre. something to the effect of....i ask the lord of light to show me azor ahai in the flames (or i search for him in the flames), and all i see is snow. unlike me, the books use proper capitalization. if my memory is correct, in that line, the word "snow" does not have a capital "s". unclear as to whether she means jon or just actual snow.

    if, in fact, jon does come back to life, he does not necessarily need melisandre for that. if he's razor ahai, anything is possible. if he's not azor, but he is half targaryen, and if they burn his body, and he is "of the dragon", then he will be reborn in the flames.

    the scene that got the biggest reaction from me....poor tristane martell is dead!!! the actor who played him (toby sebastian) is sooo cute. i wanted to see more of him for sure!

    Hmm im kind of thinking that when the priests/ess of Light use their powers, they use up their life force and youth...either that or she wants the blood of kings to gain youth back:P I think shes going to bring jon back from the dead.

    hmmm but I do really like your jon gets reborn from a funeral pyre. its to cold at the wall to build a grave.. the ground is like iron... so I think they will go with the pyre.

  4. The series briefly introduced another priestess of The Lord of Light when Tyrion and Varys stopped in Volantis en route to Mereen, if my memory serves me well. It would be a possibility.

    there is a priest of the light too.. in a certain cave with a certain someone who everyone thinks is dead but survived a certain hideous event :D

  5. i'm very curious to see hat hbo does next. they really abandoned george r. r. martin's source material last season. does anyone know if they're even using his as yet unpublished "winds of winter"?

    by the way, that handsome man to the left is obviously not me. it's (sadly gone) robb stark, king of the north. so, yeah, i'm a fan.

    yeah. he wasn't writing fast enough for them. They had to diverge because the fans read the books and they wanted surprises, but then they really had to go on a tangent when they started to run out of source material :p

  6. Has anyone had expirence using planet jockboy? Saw pretty hot guys on there but was wondering if i could trust it. Let me know if you have had "+" or "-" experiences

    I used them once. worked out really well.. the only thing I can say is that they have to use some app on the phone to track time or something.

  7. When I was a kid I read the Richard Blade stories - science fiction with a hunky hairy hero who got a LOT of sex. The parents would have freaked if they'd known what was really in the books. No gay action that I ever found, but I remember one line in particular: "his enormous lingam a tower upthrust". Another where his hard-on burst through his flimsy leather breeches.

    I found a whole complete set of the series. I still have them. Printed waaaaaaaaay before I was born, but still interesting to read :)

  8. Pietro Boselli is the new "body" of Armani's promotional advertising campaign. He has been described, in print, as "breathtakingly beautiful" in his physical appearance, and, "breathtaking boring" in his person.


    wow.. that's harsh lol.. poor guy

  9. reminds me of the time I found a picture my bf sent me when we were both about 16, him in his car with an erection coming out of his pants. When I found the picture again I reluctantly destroyed it, since I was definitely very older. I destroyed it because now that I am in 30's, if it was found, I could technically be charged with possessing child porn(?) , despite it obviously being from many years ago.

    From the article, wasn't most of the videos and pictures of boys around 16 or so? wouldn't that make him a Ephebophile?

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