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Bargara Leatherboy

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Posts posted by Bargara Leatherboy

  1. I know what you mean - I am pretty lucky - but we use non toxic products in our home for everything, and have been known to take my own massage oil with me to an apointment. if you want to explore this further with me - please PM me - I can point you in the right directions for products.

    Many mainstream products contain ingredients that some people are allergic to, from skin to bloodstream in 20 seconds, and most topical products do not come under FDA regulation (not that approval by the FDA means anything when it comes to allergic reactions)

  2. The European River Cruises are fabulous - off in places of interest every day - and the food is awesome. I also know of some amazing cruises in Asia - the Mekong River - from Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam to Siem Reap Cambodia - incredible - and amazing markets and villages of houseboats - for something totally different. Great gay venues in both cities and also in Phenom Penh

  3. Nothing wrong with our calendar down under - we are just many hours ahead of the USA. However we are not the first nation to see the dawn of each new day.


    Our local indigenous people call Australia Day (the day the First Fleet Landed at Sydney Cove) as Invasion Day, so its a bit of a contentious issue here. I note Avalon's comments above - I think that we need to be more supportive of the Aboriginal People, and find another day to celebrate our National Identity. However in a democracy its hard to please everyone.


    When I was a youngster the day used to be Mondayised - that is the public holiday fell on a Monday as close to Jan 26 as possible - I always remember the media doing interviews in the streets - do you know what today is - yes Thursday why - its Jan 26 - so what - now we celebrate on the actual day.



    I worked a night shift last night Australia/ Invasion Day and it was very busy - lots of drunks - domestic violence and a murder or two ...

  4. I was at work today and watched most of the debate, and finally just before 6pm we got it thru.


    Oddly enough all of my cars were quiet so I got to hear the last few minutes without interruption, and the celebration that happened. Sat there with a few tears, and now we can move onto where we go from here.


    Tentative plans for legalize our 24.5 year partnership are in the pipeline.


    friends have announced their engagement Today, so is very exciting.



  5. Let's face it, if you had to have sex with guys you werent attracted to, wouldn't you want to make it as brief as possible ? It's their job, they are in it for the money Mostly, but it doesnt mean they enjoy it with YOU....


    But if you pay for an hour, you should get an hour. If you arent, you should mention it.


    That in itself is a statement that could put all the escorts out of business - and Daddy too - no escorts no reviews no forums ...


    Oh that was clever ...

  6. We are signatories of CISG.


    If it does not fall into that category, it would come under local legislation like Fair Trading.


    Sure I am not going to sue an escort but it is a sales contract, u do not sell me 1 hr of your time and show me the door in 45 unless I have been am asshole etc.


    Repeat business and reputation is the secret of any succesful business.

  7. We enter into a legal contract. How many escorts have the disclaimer about its just time we are buying.


    So give us the time.


    I always check my phone when I leave if I have been shorted I do not go back.


    One of my regulars always seems to work it so that we a den in the time frame. That's cool too.


    It's about proper customer service.


    Repeat business is the secret to every succesful business.

  8. I know a lot who have had the band and the sleeve.


    A very small minority have succeeded and kept it off.


    Most still eat bad and eventually stretch it .


    One had a faulty band and had to be opened up again to have it replaced. She did lose about 70 kilos, then paid $20K for surgery to remove all the loose skin, 16 weeks off work and lots of pain. She looks good, but the d

    Sad thing is her husband is still sleeping wi her mistress.


    I have had a virtual band. (hypnosis) and that is working.

  9. It struck me today that you are in the unique position of being able to choose the daily routine you want to create.


    So think deeply about that. What activity have you always wanted to do but never had the time, money or freedom to be.


    Don't rely on previous routines or habits, you can create whatever you want, so Carpe Diem.

  10. This is more guessable than something like countryhorsessraplebattery


    You think?


    The only people who know I hire are the hunks themselves, and my fellow forum readers.


    So the people trying thank my logins don't stand a chance.


    ( and just in case it was not obvious, ilhHh69 is not a password I use)

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