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Posts posted by Squick

  1. That said, I'd welcome your POV on the broader concern of the "tendency of one-on-one experiences with Adonis dancers to turn out badly." I've only had one beyond-the-club encounter with an Adonis gent and it was definitely of the "giant dud" variety, but nothing terrible. But I know that many here have had good experiences...


    Good idea! Thanks for that. My experiences have been generally not great: reneging on agreed-to services, asking for up to double the amount of money we'd agreed to, showing up drunk or on drugs, occasional belligerence, some stealing (I think). The worst is the threat of blackmail. It's taken a long time for it to get through my skull, but I'm staying away - especially until one guy in particular stops working there.

  2. daddy owns this forum and the website - He is free to make up whatever rules he wants


    We use this as his guest - he does not charge anyone a dime


    He's delegated moderator duties


    I suspect that his rules are well based on his experience and knowledge of laws/etc


    At the end of the day - both forum and website are a service or mission - I am grateful


    Totally agree. But can't I, from my perspective and reflecting on my reaction/feelings, still label it a "slap in the face?" Aren't I free to do that? They're not mutually exclusive. If you're at a country club making your first appearance (my first thread), where they're free to ask you to leave for any reason, if they actually did so - if you thought you were acting appropriately, and even if in actuality you weren't, according to their bylaws - couldn't you see how it might feel like a slap in the face? "I broke the rules as interpreted by one of the employees - or even the manager. I didn't realized I'd broken the rules. Now they've penalized me in front of everyone. It hurts regardless of whether I broke the rules - it feels like a slap in the face."


    I've learned from it, that the TOS will be interpreted as those delegated to enforce them wish to interpret them, but I still feel hurt. Not unreasonable to feel that way, right?

  3. I’m not advocating it, but I do wonder what would be Adonis Lounge Management’s reaction to hearing this specific horror story of deplorable behaviour?

    I spose it could be easy for them to brush it aside by declaring that management doesn’t endorse extra-curricular meetings with dancers. Still, surely it’s not a good look for any business to have such a loathsome employee


    I was hoping everyone would just keep this here. I'm just trying to warn members of our community - not get him fired. It might be dangerous to tell management about it, in case they fire him. He might come after me then - but I do have the means to protect myself, at least at home.

  4. I’m scanning through the list for “dumb names” as we speak


    LOL, thanks for the laugh. :) Just writing what happened made me upset. That said if there ends up being speculation about his name, I won't be able to confirm or even reply to those, and I don't want my silence to be interpreted in this way or that. Also, because not all the dancers have been awful, it might not be fair to associate them with that guy's actions by naming them here.

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