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Everything posted by marylander1940

  1. Actually government should stop subsidizing bad with corporate welfare and let innovators and the market handle this issue.
  2. yes, makes sense to ask that and also to find out if he's on PrEP, etc. If he doesn't trust Pfizer, does he take Viagra or PrEP? Science is science! Maybe he's just busy but if he got offended I would simply move on. Is not like you ask him for his real name or anything too personal. Many escort announce in the ad they're vaccinated and some even often to show their card.
  3. that's a bad picture of him! How many Americans have such a nice body at his age?
  4. Similar thread about a specific scammer who's back in the business. Interesting story specially after the OP elaborated by PM and confirm his identity. I talked to a now retired escort the scammer took as a kept man to send all his files to "American Greed", he decided not to do it... it was nice to bring this back to life (but NOT bumping it) just to see a reply from @Guy Fawkes to me! 🤗🥰
  5. Man's Country, Chicago's oldest gay bathhouse, closing after 44 years - Chicago Tribune More than a bathhouse it was a community center, etc.
  6. Most escorts who leave the business do it because they don't like, they found a better way to make money, there's not much demand for them, or other personal reason. Sean Xavier for instance has retired and come back to the business at least twice. Feedback is feedback... even if those old threads can't be bumped potential clients will read them if they search. We can always start several thread on the same guy. Unfortunately few members on here search the way @samhexum does before posting.
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