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Posts posted by TruHart1

  1. An interesting discussion! It brings to mind the time I first hired Apollo Phoenix in NYC:




    The first time I engaged Apollo, in May of 2012, he was working through an escort agency, Maximum Escorts. I was staying in an upscale boutique hotel and a key-card was required for use of the elevators at all times. I'd had absolutely no direct contact with Apollo before our session since all my communication to set the appointment was with his "handler" at Maximum, with whom I set up the time, gave the location, and was advised of the fee due Apollo when we met.


    I emphasized to the Maximum employee that Apollo would need to call me on my cell when he arrived so I could meet him in the lobby and use my key-card for the elevator. At our appointment time, I was waiting for his call when there was a knock on my hotel room door and I found this gorgeous 6'2" HUNK standing outside my door! Obviously unconcerned about hotel staff taking note of him, he was wearing the briefest of bright RED short-shorts that were so tight, they left nothing to the imagination with his prominent VPL in front and his amazing muscle-ass in back!


    His top was a cut-off wife-beater with his eight pack on display below the stretched out shirt, which was about ten sizes too small and emphasized his super muscular, defined chest. Quite simply, Apollo was the epitome of a living wet dream standing in front of me, turning me on before I even invited him into my room!!! A warm day in May became a very HOT day for me, all of a sudden!;)


    It turns out that there was a group of young ladies getting on the elevator as he arrived at the hotel and all he needed to do was smile and wink his sky-blue eyes at them to have them offer to use their key-card to send him to my floor. Since then, I've been of the opinion that if you are completely confident and look as hot as Apollo Phoenix, hotel staff may notice, but they will not question an escort who proudly "displays" his assets, even with key-card required elevators!


    Needless to say, that was an unforgettable first-time experience with Apollo!!! I'm happy to say I have continued seeing him every time I get to NYC since! He remains one of the best escorts I've ever been lucky enough to enjoy!


    TruHart1 :cool:

  2. Whoa! Filled to the brim with racist implications. I don't find it funny at all; but I don't want to shoot the messanger by giving it a thumbs down or angry face rating, since I'm guessing that @TruHart1 doesn't subscribe to what is being implied, but just posting it for shock value.

    I'm very sorry if this seems offensive to some. Nothing racist meant at all...there are just so many, many. many comparison vids on Youtube about the Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwich compared to the Popeyes chicken sandwich!


    TruHart1 :cool:

  3. On whether Steven Draker has an innie or an outie: though he never had pictures of his handsome face in his escort ads, the picture I included above (message #87-pay attention, class!:rolleyes:) definitely shows that he has an innie!!!




    TruHart1 :cool:

  4. You see the glass half full, but others just can't see it.



    Well, this was MY personal experience with SD. I started reading the forum long after his "FireIceWizard" postings and his contributions during the earlier times for the first 3 or 4 years after I joined the forum were well written and without any personal negativity toward other posters, in fact, his persona on the forum was one of the main reasons I decided to try him out!!!


    When he began to become more confrontational with certain posters, (I'd gotten to know his sweet and fun personality by then) I never commented on or defended any of his later vitriol. I really never understood that change in his forum contributions though, and when I questioned him once, he basically ignored my question so I decided to let it drop and was just happy he always gave me such high-level sessions!


    Just because I found Steven Draker a wonderful escort doesn't mean everyone would.


    TruHart1 :cool:

  5. I have no idea how I missed this thread until now. Mr. Draker was one of my favorites back when I was first hiring. Whenever I was with him, I always knew I would enjoy our time together. For me, SD was always a super sensuous kisser, with a tongue that never failed to heat me up and get me ready for even more!!! We met 3 or 4, maybe even more times, until he retired, and I always enjoyed our times together.


    That Belgian beauty had the finest ass I've ever seen before or since, and I've got my own private pictures to prove it! The third time he visited my area I asked him if he were willing for me to take some pictures when we met. He said it would be fine as long as I refrained from taking any shots of his face (he never had his face in his ad!) Well, he made that session extra special, with a veritable strip show for me where he attempted (and succeeded!) to turn me on more and more as he wore less and less! That was one of my most memorable escort experiences ever!


    The final time we met (before he retired) is especially memorable in two ways. I had ordered a blu-ray copy of "The Wizard of Oz" from Amazon France (he told me he had never seen this film!) and gave it to him as a gift. The other memorable happening during that last session was that, although I had rimmed and topped him (who wouldn't want to experience that gorgeous ass?!!!) in two or three of our sessions, I had never bottomed for him. We were enjoying our usual BJ/69 play, when all of a sudden, to my surprise (and delight!) he put a condom on and before I knew it, he was inside me, hitting just the right spot and giving me one of the most intense releases I've ever experienced!


    From his Rentboy ad:



    I guess this only proves that one client's disappointing escort experience is another client's intense pleasure! For me, I really missed Steven Draker when he retired. He had a great sense of humor and we always enjoyed each other, both in and out of the bedroom whenever we got together.


    TruHart1 :cool:

  6. The other night Nick discussed cuddling with Tommy... A couple seasons ago Franke Grande and a supposedly straight guy (can't remember his name) had a very physical bromance.

    His name was Zach Rance. Big Brother 16. Their showmance was called Zankie!


    TruHart1 :cool:

  7. builder boy....mike is looking for a verstop. to my knowledge none of the men you mentioned fit that description. if i am not correct with my statement, please advise.

    I am sure most are tops true but might at least ask.

    I have hired Zachery Scott a couple of times (and enjoyed him!) and as far as I understand, he is a pretty versatile top, with a very large endowment which he knows how to use! :p:p:p



    TruHart1 :cool:

  8. Hi I am traveling to Las Vegas and looking for some reccomendations.

    Looking for the BFE, Afficionate vers top, prefer smooth or trimmed not to hairy. Must be a great kisser.

    any help is appreciated

    One of the best Las Vegas escorts around who checks all of your boxes, (fantastic BFE, extremely sensual kisser, vers top, and trimmed or smooth body hair!) is





    You will not be disappointed if you meet him. He does travel quite a bit and is not always available in LV, so reach out to him earlier rather than later! He is among the best I've ever enjoyed!


    TruHart1 :cool:

  9. https://bananaguide.com/article/108083/russell-tovey-back-together-with-porn-model-ex


    When you cast your vote you'll get to see the current results.


    Sorry, @TruHart1, I voted for Steve. :)



    I think my mind goes to the posted picture and what happened in that bed BEFORE Russell went to sleep and Steve took the picture. You're welcome to express that you find Mr. Brockman hotter than Mr. Tovey, Boomer, but my fantasy remains of interacting BETWEEN the two in bed.


    That remains one of my most delicious fantasies, still!!!:po_Oo_O


    TruHart1 :cool:




    TruHart1 :cool:

    Only dislike because it makes him look like he had some sort of lip botox. Please god, no.


    @TruHart1 first dislike ever! That's not fair! :(

    As I explained previously, Russell puckered his lips when he push against them with his palm at the time he posed for this picture. No botox was used here! still, everyone is allowed and encouraged to express their opinions here --- it IS a public forum after all!


    TruHart1 :cool:

  11. @TruHart1 Kaufman is not always cast in roles that allow that. For example, "Manon" in Chicago with Natalie Dessey.

    I am unclear what your meaning is here, @WilliamM. Here is his interpretation of "Le rêve de Des Grieux" from that live performance in Chicago in 2008! IMHO, no other tenor singing today has a better technique than his performance here. Notice his ease in using his flawless, completely integrated "voix mixte" technique with his ability to build to an exciting full voice climax in this aria, too often sung by many good tenors using their falsetto voices.


    The sets and costumes in this Chicago production were very traditional, staged in period costumes and sets. From that same live broadcast from Chicago:

    "Ah! fuyez, douces images"


    and the "Saint Sulpice" scene with both Dessay and Kaufmann"


    This Manon is a very memorable performance in operatic history. Even though Dessay was nearing retirement in 2008, she sounded pretty fine in a role in which she was always excellent. As for Kaufmann, his French is perfect and the nuance and shading he brought to Des Grieux shows what an excellent operatic singing actor he was and still is.


    TruHart1 :cool:

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