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Posts posted by Frequentflier

  1. Of course the IRS taxes income on illegal activities. The IRS taxes INCOME, PERIOD. Ill-gotten gains are still GOTTEN in their minds.


    My dad was an IRS agent in the Deep South. He was also an auxilliary deputy sheriff. He would go with the sheriff to raid a moonshiner's still. As they poured out the illegally produced alcohol, he assessed the Federal alcohol taxes - so the moonshiner lost his means of production, he was arrested and jailed, and he wound up owning the Federal government the tax on the alcohol he had produced and taxes on the income he gained from selling the moonshine.


    The Federal Government invented Catch-22 before it was even defined.


    I don't know when your Dad was an auxiliary sheriff but wanted to share with you that moonshine is still made in the confederate states as recently as say a month ago. Very tasty so it's no wonder the "legitimate" companies that make alcohol don't want it legalized and taxed.

  2. I know at least two well known escorts that don't pay tax on their income from professional services. They also support Mr. Obama and his program to sock it to the rich. I find that amazing.


    I'm sorry but this comment was so curious as to meaning I couldn't let it go. If by "sock it to the rich" you mean charge us (yes I'm part of the over $250 K crowd) a Federal tax rate on the over $250 K income equal to what we paid when President Clinton was in office I'd say you have a warped definition of "sock it to us". Like you I'm sure, I didn't put on a uniform and put my life at risk for my country for the last 10 years (unless you consider wearing a hoodie while on vacation putting my life at risk) and like you I haven't paid anything towards either the Iraq or Afghanistan wars or for Medicare Part D. You must think after this past horrendous election season that Americans will fall for your kind of "fact" aka "none".

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