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Everything posted by WilliamM

  1. I am very glad I saw Mostel in "Fidler." But, it was near the end of his run in the musical and Mostel had added some "improvements" to his performance, like "not remembering" his daughter's names. It's impossible to imagine someone like Merman doing that.
  2. If you had to use NYC Part Authority bus station in the 1960s and 1970s, the current Penn Station is a great place compared to the Port Authority. Late at night I frequently took the bus back to Fort Dix, New Jersey where I was stationed in 1967-68. The bus station in Saigon, Vietnam was safer.
  3. I take Amtrak from Philadelphia to NYC relatively often. If there is a Starbuck, it very well hidden. I have never seen a Starbuck in Penn Station either.
  4. You are the better man. Long befor page 150, I skipped to the real subject: LBJ in the Senate!
  5. "Master of the Senate" is my favorite of Caro's LBJ books. Get it a try, Adam
  6. So does Robert Caro in his epic non-fiction book, "The Power Broker" about Robert Moses. It is one of the best books I have ever read. I hope to read "The Power Broker" at least once more. Now Caro may be more well know for his groundbreaking books about LBJ, which he has spent the last 35 plus years of his life.
  7. John Stamos showed his butt about 15 years ago as the mc in the revival of "Cabaret" on Broadway. When he was not on stage, performing John/his character openly flirted with some of the men and women in the audience. He may not have sensatiional in the role, but very sexy.
  8. Glad you added around 1979. Pacino had a major and well deserved success with "American Buffalo," a revival which I saw off-Broadway. It did move to Broadway in the early 1980s.
  9. Given my many posts in this thread, I am somewhat obsessed with Tristan W as well. Thanks for posting Rocky. Enjoy Thanksgiving. William
  10. I am Facebook friends with Tristan Waters. The last time Tristan posted a photo that may be new was on his birthday in January 2014. He looks a bit older, but still very attractive.
  11. According to my conversations with Tristan Waters, his mentor was Hooboy. So my guess is that Tristan Waters may be nearing the end of his escort career. (Hooboy passed away in 2005.)
  12. Tristan Waters is known to those who have followed this site and escort in general for a while. After Tristan Waters moved from nothern Florida to Orlando about a decade ago, he must have done well in Orlando because he infrequently posted his travel schedule here. Tristan is a top, very good looking, slender built. Early on his photos sometimes gave the impression that Tristan was a twink. I am taking a wild guess here, but those photo may have impressed Rocky. They certain caught my attention.
  13. Or you could become friends on Facebook with Tristan Waters.
  14. Tristan Baldwin is a much respected escort. Rocky, you made the mistake, not Mr. Baldwin. He deserves something more than "no way."
  15. Sure. But, I hired Tristan Waters about three and a half years ago when he was in Philadelphia. So I can say, with some authority, that Tristan is an excellent escort. New photos are not necessary. I trust him. Tristan was staying at a hotel some distance from center city. I offered to pay for part of the taxi cost back to the hotel. He said no because of another appointment fairly close by. He also told me his real name and several other things about himself that are usually not shared at a first appointment. If Tristan lived in Philadelphia, I would have hired him many more times by now. I know your next comment will be I am too trusting. Anything to keep the thread going. Right?
  16. I hired Tristan several years ago. No complaints from me about his looks. Quite the opposite. Rocky, I hope you have a great time.
  17. There no need to be nervous. He is a very nice person, perhaps the nicest escort I have ever hired. Kristian/LA is also in his league.
  18. Thre are very few escorts better than Tristan. You are very lucky!
  19. I agree. I have been to many other places, but not Scotland. Perhaps I can explain it as being one of the last grandchildren on both sides of the family, so by then they had told all the stories about Scotland so many times already. Also, I was five when my last grandparent died (grandmother, at age 82). I did have many aunts and uncles who went to at least a year of school in Scotland though. Thanks. Marylander -- very good advice. William
  20. My four grandparents were born in Scotland. Sometimes I wish they had not migrated to the U.S. This is one of those time.
  21. http://www.boyculture.com/.a/6a00d8341c2ca253ef017d3f55cd04970c-550wi Anything with 1980s porn star John Davonport, esspecially if Mike Hensen & Kevin Williams are also near by as in "Big Guns." I never pay much attention to the plot anyway. I believe John Waters agrees.
  22. As of this moment, Stonewall has a rating of 07% favorable from movie critics. You likely could not get a rating that low even if you tried hard.
  23. Unicorn, do you plan your vacations yourself. I do. I spend my time deciding what countries I want to visit, visa requirements, if any, and booking hotels and travel plans within countries and from country to country. Everyone prepares for a trip differently. I am terrible at foreign languages, so I give you a huge amount of credit for learning more than just a little of the language of the places you are visiting. It would be like having an appointment with a dentist for weeks at a time for me.
  24. My favorite teacher was my sixth grade teacher. A few years ago I found out she was in an assisted-living facility in Massachusetts. I decided to visit, but it was a very tough decision because we had no contact in 50 years. I was lucky, she did remember me immediately, perhaps because I was in her last class before becoming a principal. As I was leaving, many of the staff asked what she was like as a teacher; they all knew her only as a principal whom they very much disliked. They were very surprised when I said what a great teacher she was. I did understand because she could occasionally be very hard on students, especially those whom she believe could do better work. And she never afraid to say exactly what she thought. She was a very good teacher, especially in math and English because she came up with ways to make things like the multiplacation table into a contest. And she gave students tasks that were difficult, but some how she know they would succeed (even if they did not). That visit was something I will never forget.
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