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Everything posted by jjkrkwood

  1. Certainly they were immunotherapy shots, or else I would have mentioned otherwise.
  2. I always feel sad for desperate women with low self esteem that would do anything for someone that says they care about her. She is still responsible for her actions, but I just have to think about what drove her to this act ?
  3. https://78.media.tumblr.com/66f89a245ee1432dd84a947fbaa359f9/tumblr_pbqdjrXMrK1uivhj9o1_1280.jpg
  4. "Sshhhhhh, not so Loud"... https://64.media.tumblr.com/36a63d663084098fe5758cf55d41e536/tumblr_n15idrSA2R1tq1n2so2_500.jpg
  5. https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-C3PFuau7Xm4/XMiyiI2tHKI/AAAAAAAAGkg/c5v7WY6NRDUvJN2bZwSEUjLtY8QZ-NV0ACLcBGAs/s1600/tumblr_pcldi9wy7U1xubdnbo1_500.jpg
  6. I've had seasonal allergies since childhood, and none of the over-the-counter products ever worked for me, other than to make me incredibly drowsy..... I've always needed injections, but as I have aged, the need has lessened. But these days, its hard to separate allergy symptoms from Covid symptoms. Except for fever, they can be similar for alot of people.
  7. It hit just under $5.00 here in NYC over the weekend
  8. Anything that "bulges", beautiful eraser nips, popping calves, delicious bubble ass, bountiful crotch, All with a pair of beatup work or combat boots.... YUM.
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