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Everything posted by jjkrkwood

  1. #1 http://images.tribe.net/tribe/upload/photo/1ea/f80/1eaf80ff-64c6-45da-a047-283db23922f9 #2 http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3159/2787536586_e39b851316.jpg #3 http://www.bearotic.com/img/2009/06/jiraiya-dog-wants-bone.jpg #4 http://gallery.roadbikereview.com/data/roadbike/500/muscle_bear_Bo_Dixon_5.jpg
  2. http://pull.imgfave.netdna-cdn.com/image_cache/1334872453177756.jpg
  3. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_FRhJcTEFkeA/SnNcbwhON-I/AAAAAAAAA6k/_-9Ng2qvQhk/s400/colbytyler6.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_FRhJcTEFkeA/SnNer5FFO5I/AAAAAAAAA9M/_04XyiVsc64/s400/meninspecstumblrcom2.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_FRhJcTEFkeA/SnNjTkMdQPI/AAAAAAAABBM/8EE4qyIwDAk/s400/tiago-botega-0101.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ljkv41hH321qb2x4qo1_500.jpg
  4. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l2gxlu7JLW1qbn3nao1_500.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpurs22GBx1qg240ro1_500.jpg http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l39bdosIkO1qc2yu3o1_500.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lq0epmjry61qf8r8uo1_400.jpg
  5. %5Bimg%5Dhttp%3A//25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kv43rzd6je1qarogmo1_500.jpg[/img] http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l7o31zENSr1qcltqco1_400.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lr1lthlwLI1qf8r8uo1_500.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lp8hkk2KwA1qi3ca1o1_500.jpg
  6. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_VK79IcRMJFw/TUmVYt0KLsI/AAAAAAAABXY/JEiJjIKPmSg/s1600/Glasses-23.JPG http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_VK79IcRMJFw/TTx-NKiVE5I/AAAAAAAABRE/YnJVCSa1PvY/s1600/Glasses-16.JPG http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_GSBWKqkC85Q/S9PSutYX3aI/AAAAAAAAGa8/yN5O7d1ReMk/s1600/Luke_BjornBorgSS10_1%5B6%5D.jpg http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_limkt2YWnf1qcl13oo1_500.jpg
  7. Are you allowed to do that ??? I had the pic posted, but it was deleted as a violation.
  8. I knew that. you aint big enuf to carry around THAT tool..... you would topple over !
  9. If you tell me its YOU,, YOU'RE HIRED !
  10. Daddy Fetish anynone ?? Meet Mr Leather California - Todd (any SIZE queens in the room ?) http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-VPS6DsaT3qU/TiMN8ogxACI/AAAAAAAABO8/Vne5XQx0x80/s320/0711BullHung+new+Mr.+Leather+California+title+holder+Todd.jpg
  11. If NOT, it should be. Look what you are Missing ! ADMIN NOTE: do not post erections in the message center.
  12. 80 ??? In Gay culture, you're pretty much dead when you hit your 50's, so basically this is a film about Necrophilia ????
  13. Update: Tried the Sundae today, and while it wasnt totally repulsive, the idea of bacon and soft serve ice cream left a bad taste in my mouth. It was weird ! And at 510 calories for a small cup, I just tasted (2 spoons full) and tossed the rest away... On the other hand, also tried their "limited time only" bar-b-q pulled pork sandwich, with a side of the sweet potatoe fries. It was a noontime orgasm...... Until the sundae
  14. Here's something EASY you bacon Lovers can try at home: Bacon wrapped, Bar-B-Q meat "turtles".... http://img.perezhilton.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/168502_10151010219950891_2008386387_n__oPt.jpg
  15. True, die hard bacon fans always carry a few x-tra strips in their purse, "just in case" !
  16. Silly, thats to LURE you..... But I am confident you can find some others strips of meat to "lick" on......
  17. Sorry gurlfriend, the Sundae has only "crumbled" bacon.
  18. I think there is an aesthetic quality to it, and for bacon Lovers, its da Bomb !
  19. Inspired...... for all you Bacon Lovers, Burger King will Debut its new "Bacon Sundae" soon. Are you Eager to Sample it ???? http://i.fitperez.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/bacon-sundae__oPt.jpg
  20. Its the heels that are giving his butt a serious lift, and they also are great for calf developement. the guy is hOT, and I am pretty sure he will remove the heels if you Ask nicely ? no problem here ! I'd eat it in a NY minute.....
  21. #2, nice tight body, a little "dangerous" looking, and what looks like to be a major "grower"....
  22. I wouldnt mind being in bed with THAT..... not at all !!!!!!
  23. The bigger question is "WHO CARES" ??? Reviving a 3 yr old post. Let me go scratch my head. Some people just have TOO MUCH time on their hands. Now let me go Google "The Lindburg Baby" or "Amelia Airheart"...
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