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Cock Eyed Optimist

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Posts posted by Cock Eyed Optimist

  1. Thanks! Wondering if he will keep the same staff? Some of the guys have been there since it was Johnny's. Several of the bartenders like Andie, and of course Yannis! When I go back this winter I hope my old friends are still there. Especially Lee, the bouncer!!!



    I just thought of another bartender that I hope will stay - Chris. Any word?

    Also, just saw an ad on FB saying they now had free parking. Any info on that?

  2. I think the sale just happened. Don't know the new owners but my friend Josh bartends there during the day (happy hour, back porch). I will pump him for some information when i see him.


    Thanks! Wondering if he will keep the same staff? Some of the guys have been there since it was Johnny's. Several of the bartenders like Andie, and of course Yannis! When I go back this winter I hope my old friends are still there. Especially Lee, the bouncer!!!

  3. I have seen two reviews thus far and it doesn't bode well. Complaints were less than attractive dancers and having to get a club membership : one day membership is $15. Kinda makes you want to skip going.


    As of 9/24/19 there are 9 reviews posted on their Facebook site. The average rating at this time is 1.0 out of 5.

    The major complaints are:

    1. The high cover charge - $15

    2. The fact that you have to fill out forms in order to become a member before you can enter the bar.

    3. The high price of drinks.

    The owner posted a reply saying that he sees the complaints and will try to rectify them in the future.

  4. Two days after the comment by Lara Spencer, 300 dancers staged a protest of sorts outside the studio by teaching a ballet class to the attendees. It was led by Travis Wall and Alex Wang, both of who had been contestants on So You Think You Can Dance.




    In addition, Nygel Lythgoe, a judge on SYTYCD had comments about Lara Spencer's ridicule of males taking ballet.

  5. This was a trend at LeBoy in Ft. Lauderdale over a year ago. The dancers would huddle together in a corner and play with their phones instead of the customers, but this year, when I was down for the winter, I saw none of that. In fact, I didn't see any dancer on the floor with his phone. Maybe a new policy is in effect? If so, it works!!

  6. Isn't that the same location they tried to make work last year? Rumor back then was, the neighborhood groups fought the liquor license long and hard, and finally successfully.


    I'm not sure if it is in the same place, but here is their new website: (with details and pictures)




    What they don't say is if it will be with nude dancers or not.

  7. I've done it - though it was a slightly cut-down dinner theatre production. Very very fun show. It was actually part of my first season doing summer stock, straight out of college, in a now-defunct theatre in Boothbay Harbor, Maine. Lousy theatre (great learning experience), wonderful cast, great place to spend the summer.


    But Hollywood/Ukraine - yes! Really clever stuff, and Act II is hilarious.


    For those of you unfamiliar with the show (and I'm sure that's most of you) - it's a zany tribute to Hollywood in the 30's, set in Graumann's Chinese, and performed by the ushers. Act I is more or less a revue (some bits of classic songs and material, though mostly original songs) looking back at the world of 30's movies. Most of it quirky and comedic, occasionally more earthbound (a wonderfully rueful song called "Best In The World" about an usher's fickle moment of fame on the big screen). There's a tribute to Richard Whiting, who wrote a number of famous tunes in that era - the cast not only sing the songs, but add in comic instrumental touches (a baritone sax playing "Good Ship Lollipop", twin melodicas for "Double Trouble" etc). Wonderfully silly. The tour-de-force in Act I is a tap/rap number explaining the infamous Hayes Production Code. (Video, from the Tony awards, below).


    Act II is the "feature presentation" of the evening - A Night In The Ukraine. This is literally (sort of) a rewrite of Chekhov's The Bear as if it were a Marx Brothers movie. (Imagine Animal Crackers set in a Russian country estate.) And when you have a cast that can really do the Marx Brothers characters (and by and large, I did) it is really hysterical.


    A fun fact - Jerry Herman contributed a few songs to the score.


    As for theatres doing the show nowadays, I don't know. (It's a tough show because it does need 6-8 very skilled singer/actors who can hold their own, do a creditable Marx Brothers role, and also tap proficiently - though in my production we cheated on the tap - maybe I'll post the crazy stories about that later lol.) I do know that Boston Conservatory just did a small production of it, but I was unable to see it due to my being in another show at the same time. Personally, I'd love to do it again.



    Wow BostonMan! That was great! I learned a lot! Thanks!

  8. Well, it may be another false alarm, but here goes: An ad popped up on my FaceBook last night regarding the reopening of Floppy Rooster at 777 NE 79th St. in Miami.

    They even posted an ad on Craigslist advertising for dancers. Only time will tell.

  9. After WilliamM's post about reviving a show, I remembered one of my favorites that I have never seen revived or even produced by any small theatres here in Chicago. https://www.ibdb.com/broadway-production/a-day-in-hollywood--a-night-in-the-ukraine-3950

    I saw it on Broadway in the 80's and went back the next day to see it again to hear again the catchy lyrics in the first act.

    Has anyone else ever seen this show?

  10. A star vehicle for Robert Preston and Mary Martin, but the musical has never been revived. This is being discussed elsewhere on the internet. Gower Champion directed the two person cast so that each performer had short breaks while the other performer took over.


    According to Martin, the small cast eventually had to admit the roles were too exhausting and cut back to six performances a week. Preston and Martin performed with bad colds and other illnesses rather than cancel.


    After Robert Preston died, Mary paid tribute to Preston and her late husband, Richard Halliday, at the Tony Awards with part of a song from "I Do! I Do!"


    I hope some producer attempts a revival, but knowing the potential problems.


    Wow! I hadn't thought about that musical in years! After it closed on Broadway, it was popular in the dinner-theatre circuit here in Chicago, then disappeared.

  11. No surprise, closing notices, Aug 18...


    ‘King Kong’ and ‘Cher Show’ Musicals Announce Closings

    Each show arrived on Broadway with a big name in its title and major creative talents behind the scenes. But audiences kept their distance.

    “King Kong,” the big-budget musical driven by its massive namesake puppet, will close Aug. 18 after less than a year on Broadway, the show’s producers announced on Tuesday.

    “The Cher Show,” the jukebox musical that won Stephanie J. Block a Tony Award in the title role, will wrap up on the same day.

    Each show arrived on Broadway with a presold — and yes, larger than life — name in its title. And the closings come as major disappointments, given the time, talent and expense it took to bring them to the New York stage.

    Boasting three title performers and a bounty of tunes from the singer’s lengthy career, “The Cher Show” featured a book by Rick Elice (“Jersey Boys”) and direction by Jason Moore (“Avenue Q”). Jeffrey Seller, who brought “Hamilton” to Broadway, was a co-producer. Bob Mackie did the lavish costumes.

    But the critic Jesse Green, writing in The New York Times, called the production a “maddening mishmash.” For the week ending June 23, the show grossed $858,578, only 58 percent of its potential. Capitalized for up to $19 million, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, it has not recouped those costs.



    I saw "The Cher Show" when it was in its early stages in Chicago. I wasn't impressed, but then read it was completely revamped before it open in NYC. I was hoping it would have been a success since the subject matter has such potential.

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