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Everything posted by glutes

  1. From dictionary.com: role model   –noun a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others, esp. by younger people. If the accident was so minor, why did Tiger cancel his upcoming golf tourney in Thousand Oaks this weekend? I think the question boils down to is Tiger a pussy for defending his wife? He's a role model there. Bet ya dollars to doughnuts no charges are filed...
  2. There are the unanswered questions with the TW/Escalade mishap. And we get it — sometimes discretion beats the heck out of the unvarnished truth, for obvious reasons. But from where we sit, as intrigued with Tiger as we've ever been, this is quite a riddle. For starters, where was he going at 2:25 the morning after Thanksgiving? Is he a big fan of Black Friday sales? Is he part of a neighborhood watch or auxiliary fire department? Has he taken a paper route to help make ends meet? He got up enough speed between his driveway and his neighbor's tree to do $8,000 damage to his vehicle, yet the air bags didn't deploy? Sounds like some kind of manufacturer's recall is in order. According to reports, Elin Woods used a golf club to break windows in the SUV so she could get to her husband. Let's walk our way though this one. She heard the crash and ran outside with a golf club? Or are they lying all over the front yard at the Woods home? More likely, that kind of emergency would require her to run back inside the house. Was a golf club the first thing she saw? Do Cadillac Escalades not come with a spare keyless remote? There are other stories out there, but so far they aren't credible enough to warrant even a dismissive analysis. So we'll concentrate on what we know. Woods' injuries appear to be mild to moderate, and a full recovery is all but certain? Damage the brain, you damage the mind. He's the objective of our attention as we watch and wonder how he'll deal with the first truly unplayable lie of his career.
  3. Penny wise and dollar foolish! Still won't fly for some time no matter what the Boeing spin doctors say, if ever...
  4. Will Baron KMEM be the test pilot? From WSJ: " Boeing Co. said Thursday it had finished fixing the problem that had forced it to postpone the maiden flight of its long-delayed 787 Dreamliner. But in making the repair, the aerospace giant got a fresh reminder of the complexities involved in working with the high-tech materials used to build the aircraft. Damage to the area where the wings join the plane's body emerged during stress testing earlier this year. That prompted Boeing to delay flight testing of the aircraft and urgently search for a repair. As Boeing raced to find a remedy this summer, it discovered another issue with the composite material in the plane's wings, according to internal company documents and a person familiar with the matter. Metal bolts inside the wings of one of the six test airplanes were found to have slightly damaged the surrounding material—causing so-called delamination, or cracking—the documents show. The damage, which Boeing engineers cited as an additional reason to keep the plane grounded, was discovered as the original problem was being fixed. It isn't known whether the five other test-flight aircraft showed similar damage. "
  5. No, those first 3 planes are like some 'well reviewed' escorts here, never to be flown after their failures become apparent... Right Baron KMEM? http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z113/poofengle/snoopy-red-baron.jpg
  6. and no takers for the first 3... The first Boeing 787 Dreamliner, which is more than two years behind schedule, should fly by year's end, and the first of the largely composite jets will be delivered to All Nippon Airways by the end of 2010, the company announced Thursday. Boeing Co. also intends to take a pretax charge of $2.5 billion, or $2.21 a share, for the repeatedly delayed jet. The Chicago-based aerospace manufacturer is writing off the value of the first three Dreamliners it makes after determining there were no takers for planes that are tons overweight and that bear a patchwork of structural fixes. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-boeing28-2009aug28,0,6756990.story
  7. Update LA I was wondering if in resurrecting this post we could get a update of Best of LA. OCBeachbody???
  8. The Boeing 787 has become a PR nightmare for Boeing, I also think a financial catastrophe at the end of the day. Having just announced another delay yesterday after saying it was going to make a maiden flight by the end of this month. The Paris Air Show crowd must have known that Boeing Execs were bullshitting them...
  9. Does Dannnn have an advertisment somewhere?
  10. Won't last. Enjoy them now! http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/11/22/MN0A147PLG.DTL&tsp=1
  11. $2.60/gallon in suburban SF, is there an election soon?
  12. Since I am a local, maybe I'll go take one for the team...
  13. Erotic massages have a happy ending, how about the happiness at the start?? Then all that tension would be gone, and you can enjoy the massage as just that. A new (to me) masseur tried it on me, I actually like this new technique!
  14. Given the stratospheric - and uninterrupted - rise in oil and gas prices, Bush’s February 28 display of ignorance is all the more jaw-dropping. Asked by a reporter about the looming arrival of $4 gas, Bush the former oil man did what comes naturally and played dumb: Q What’s your advice to the average American who is hurting now, facing the prospect of $4 a gallon gasoline, a lot of people facing — THE PRESIDENT: Wait, what did you just say? You’re predicting $4 a gallon gasoline? Q A number of analysts are predicting — THE PRESIDENT: Oh, yeah? Q — $4 a gallon gasoline this spring when they reformulate. THE PRESIDENT: That’s interesting. I hadn’t heard that. C&L 8JUN08
  15. >I just noticed that I made the very first reply in this >thread, in Nov. 2001, when I paid $1.38 for hi-test in Philly. >Yesterday I paid $3.75 for hi-test (for the same car!) in Palm >Springs. And my income is half what it was in 2001. No wonder >I'm not doing much hiring. Same with me Charlie, that is why I statrted a thread "Anyone else cutting back??" http://mc.daddysreviews.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=119675&mesg_id=119675&listing_type=search God bless George W. Bush & Harkin Oil!
  16. $3.50/gallon is the lowest price in BayArea today. It went up 7 cents over night!
  17. GORDA, Calif. -- Gasoline prices continue to rise day by day on the Central Coast and elsewhere in the state. Premium is being offered at $5 a gallon in Gorda. Crude oil prices hit an all-time high Wednesday, topping $98 a barrel. Analysts said with worldwide oil demand rising, it is still not clear just how high prices will go. Over the past two weeks, gas has gone up 15 cents a gallon in California alone. In Oakland, the cost of premium has topped $4 a gallon. God Bless George W. Bush! [b/]
  18. And hear about it you will! A barrel of crude just passed $77 today. You are going to need to take out a bank loan to fill-up your SUV's before long... ($3.20/gallon the cheapest here today)
  19. RE: Gas Prices SF 10MAY07 http://sfgate.com/c/pictures/2007/05/10/mn_gasprices057_lm.jpg
  20. $3.86/gallon for premium unleaded here in Bay Area. Thank you Dear Leader of Harken Energy!
  21. $3.86/gallon for premium unleaded here in Bay Area. Thank you Dear Leader of Harken Energy!
  22. http://www.saudi-us-relations.org/images2005/People/bush-abdullah-crawford-2005-150.jpg
  23. I just saw where crude went up $5/barrel over Iran worries. Methinks we haven't seen anything yet! http://money.cnn.com/2007/03/27/markets/oil_spikes/index.htm?postversion=2007032717 As of today, self-service regular in SF is going for $3.45/gallon.
  24. >Wow this is a really old thread and brought up at an >interesting time. You hit it purplekow, it is an interesting time for the price of gas to fall. Must be near election time...
  25. Gulp! Try $4.50! Brooklyn gas station floors it BY JONATHAN LEMIRE and RICH SCHAPIRO DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITERS Motorist looks in stunned silence at $4.50 pump price at Brooklyn gas station. With pump prices rising fast, a gas station under the Brooklyn Bridge took a quantum leap into outrageousness - charging a jaw-dropping $4.50 a gallon.
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