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Posts posted by glutes

  1. Woods & Fowler




    You really like to kick someone when they are down, don't you? And, live up to your name.


    Best regards,




    Please tell me how Captain??

    Woods made the cut for US Open, and he has a very cute guy chasing after that tail.

    God speed Tiger and Richie!

  2. Tiger makes the cut for US Open, but look who he is competing with.

    Introducing Ricky Fowler:





  3. The Bulging Disk


    It isn't over until it is over. I would willingly trade his left over "change" for what ever your net worth might be.


    Best regards,



    By MARK LONG, AP Sports Writer Mark Long, Ap Sports Writer – Sun May 9, 4:25 pm ET


    PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla. – Dressed in his Sunday red shirt, Tiger Woods bowed his head and sat in silence in front of his locker.


    He was supposed to be on the ninth hole at The Players Championship. In another stunning twist for someone whose life used to be so predictable, Woods withdrew suddenly with neck pain that he fears might be a bulging disk.


    Woods was so frustrated that he slammed his golf shoe to the floor while taking questions from three reporters.


    "I've been playing through it," Woods said of pain he first felt before the Masters. "I can't play through it anymore

  4. Tiger will keep winning and making millions

    Best regards,




    Ha! He couldn't even qualify for this weekends tournament he entered Capt. KMEM.

    Now he's selling his golf clubs on ebay and hiring a dee-vorce attorney?

  5. Before you go to Kinkos...


    A United States congressman sent a letter today to the Federal Trade Commission urging the agency to investigate the potential identity theft risks associated with copy machines' hard drives.


    Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), wrote the letter asking the FTC to look into the matter and take the necessary measures to inform consumers about the potential privacy risks after a CBS News investigation earlier this month reported on the wealth of personally identifiable information that is saved and never erased from most copy machines built since 2002.


    Perhaps the biggest risk comes from the fact that used copiers often go back into the market and can be purchased -- along with all their valuable stored information -- for a relatively low price.


    The CBS news team purchased a number of used copiers and found thousands of records on sex offenders and drug investigations from the police department in Buffalo, N.Y., and countless medical records belonging to the clients of a New York insurance company.


    "Thousands of Americans make copies of sensitive information every day, completely unaware that the data is stored on a copy machine hard drive and then often never cleared when the machine is resold or disposed of," Markey said in a statement. "Just as you wouldn't leave a paper copy of your bank statement sitting on top of the office copy machine, a digital copy should not remain inside of it."




    Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/techchron/detail?entry_id=62515#ixzz0mXrJe567

  6. Most of the comments I heard today on the yesterdays Nike commercial was 'edgy' to 'creepy'.

    Nike has sold a lot of wear based on endorsements to more than just Americans, look at the Air Jordans...



  7. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution


    Tiger Woods is planing to return to golf in two weeks, according to multiple media reports.



    .And he's hired Ari Fleischer, former press secretary to President George W. Bush, to help him get there.


    "They were in his living room this week going over a strategy for how to handle Bay Hill in two weeks," a source told the New York Post.


    Woods plans his return at the Arnold Palmer Invitational in Orlando. The tournament begins March 25.

  8. Anyone buying?


    They are selling "Tiger's Wood Pack" down in South African pharmacies:


    * Stamina 450mg Anti-Handicap-sule

    100% Herbal Ingredients: Cortex Cinnamon, Epimedium, Ginko Biloba, Panax Ginseng, Rhodiola Rosea, Tribulus Terretris. Offers enhanced male sexual performance with no side effects. Beneficial effects may last up to 3 days. (only effective with sexual stimulation).


    * Extra Lubricated Condom

    100% Electronically tested, extra lubricated, fruit flavoured, ribbed ultra thin 54mm latex condom. (teat-ended for comfort)


    * Quality vibrating ring - The best vibrating penis ring you will ever use! (Two options: - Screaming pink ring or Wild horse blue ring). New innovative grinding gear battery operated motor technology. With ergonomic silicone ring sleeve designs to offer powerful orgasmic quivering vibrations right where they are appreciated most... for up to 40 minutes of multiple and intensified climaxes for both partners. Like nothing you have ever experienced!


    * Birdie fun feather - Accessory for the best sensual stimulation and intimate foreplay.





  9. Tiger's wood


    Mark Morford made a wonderful column today about TW and his lack of humor. The last paragraph has a great M4M reference if you read the full article.


    "Why isn't he at least shrugging and sighing and saying, "Hey you know what? Life is ridiculous. Life is hard. Life is a mixed blessing crapfest thrillride joyburden, Katie. Even for me. Especially for me. Isn't it all hilarious and amazing? I'm still here! Did some dumb things, dated some very dumb people, wasn't the most honest with my wife. Then I fixed it. Everybody happy? Good. Let's get in the hot tub."


    Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2010/02/24/notes022410.DTL#ixzz0gUarcRWw

  10. the serial cad speaks...


    He's not sorry for his actions.. He's sorry he got caught!!


    "Elin never hit me that night or any other night," Woods said. "There has never been an episode of domestic violence in our marriage, ever."


    Lie. It was the cell phone and the golf club that 'hit' him.


    "I felt I was entitled."


    The world revolves around Tiger...

  11. 5 things Tiger won't say...


    1. "So long as you let me get back to winning golf tournaments, I don't really care what you think of me."


    Woods is four victories shy of besting Jack Nicklaus' record of 18 major tournament wins. The Masters, an event Woods has won four times, will be held April 8 to 11.


    2. "My own fame and fortune made my behavior possible."


    For the past eight years, Woods has been the world's highest-paid athlete. Lucrative sponsorship deals made him one of the globe's most easily recognizable faces.


    3. "Surprise, I haven't been cured of anything."


    Unconfirmed reports say that since dropping out of the public eye, Woods has been treated in recent weeks for sex addiction at Pine Grove Behavioral Health and Addiction Services in Hattiesburg, Miss.


    4. "My behavior was bad for business."


    A recent study suggested that as a result of Woods' affairs going public, his corporate sponsors have lost billions.


    5. "Face it, golf has been incredibly boring without me."


    Since Woods' departure, ticket sales for tournaments are down, as is television viewership for the PGA Tour.


    Now that would make the press event something to write about.


    ~from David Knowles AOLNews~

  12. How can we, as a community, conquer the pervasive practice of escorts using BS photos?

    Photoshopped, backdated or just the outward use of some else's pics is becoming very frustrating. Hell, I could market myself as a 21 year old surfer boy...


  13. Guess Tiger is still in the woods...


    London - Tiger Woods's coach Butch Harmon believes the world number one must risk the humiliation and embarrassment of a full and frank news conference over his infidelities before he can get on with his life.


    Woods, who is taking an indefinite break from golf, has been in hiding since admitting last month he had cheated on his wife.


    "The golfing public would like to see Tiger Woods do a press conference," Harmon told the UK's Observer newspaper on Sunday. "To stand there in front of everybody, take his medicine, be humble, be embarrassed, be humiliated and answer the questions.


    "But where the hell is he? We could find Osama bin Laden easier than we can find Tiger Woods. How long can you spend on a yacht in the middle of the ocean."



    'We could find Osama bin Laden easier than we can find Tiger Woods'

    Harmon, who now coaches world number two Phil Mickelson and does occasional commentary work for the UK television channel Sky Sports, said the 14-times major champion would have to put up with verbal asides from the crowds when he returns to golf.


    "The difficult part, in my opinion, is going to be the heckling from the galleries," he said. "He is going to get it.


    "If he plays in the Ryder Cup (in Wales in October) which I happen to think he will, that is going to be very interesting."


    Harmon, who believes Woods is likely to return for one of the four PGA Tour events in Florida in March, said the 34-year-old American was strong enough to turn the other cheek to the crowds.


    "He is the strongest person mentally that's ever played our game," said Harmon. "If there is anyone who can block out this extra stuff that is going on around him, he is probably the guy.


    'He is the strongest person mentally that's ever played our game'

    "If he wants to rekindle the image of who he is, this would be the best way to do it, to do the press conference because then he looks human.


    "He is going to look ridiculous really, with the questions that are going to be asked. But the average person would appreciate that side of him because they've never seen that," added Harmon. - Reuters

  14. "What are you made of?"


    Bye bye TAG Heurer!

    (I am sure his agent is having a shit-fit! 10% of a $1billion is not chump change)




    Bye bye Arnold Palmer!



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