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boyfriend_experience's Achievements

  1. I have regular checks (every month or 2, depends of how often I have unprotected sex)plus my body always have symptoms if something is wrong. Your question is understandable towards us providers but keep in mind that an average gay in a big city have unprotected sex with multiple partners daily. Personally I have less casual sex (grindr, bars, clubs, parties, orgies) and I focus mainly on my health and status so I'm more comfortable clients that ask me if we can do bb (if we do both have tested recently, on prep and "feel" healthy). Yes, I do a visual inspection and yes it happened that I insisted on wearing a condom or refused to be breeded. If you don't wanna catch STI then use condoms, if you wanna do bb then that's a risk. If you have a wife at home it's on you having unprotected sex with risk of bringing home something.
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