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Posts posted by MtnVwGuy

  1. The topic is about discounts, but a related thing would be “allowing things to go a bit further at the same price” — which seems to be a matter of making a connection / the provider enjoying what’s happening / etc.  It’s probably not all about the client being “young and hot,” but maybe being respectful / intuitive / friendly / treating-the-provider-like-a-human-being / etc.

  2. I was just there yesterday!  Note that the eighth picture is a work painted by Jared French’s wife Margaret, who formed the “Ma” of their “PaJaMa” moniker.  Paul Cadmus’ sister married Lincoln Kirstein (google it for history-of-the-arts lessons), and so she & Margaret probably had a lot to discuss.

  3. Similar experiences to above:  great guy, knows what he’s doing, respectful & smart, and I think I know what DCHere means by the (truly lovely) nice reveal toward the end.  Definitely the kind of guy you wish you could hang out with for a few hours afterward (or dream of a FWB situation).  SoCal is home, but he seems to travel once in a while.

  4. He’s definitely a very unique case, and like PaulM I find myself tempted to rebook against my better judgment.  The first massage was professional & good (at a time when I had little experience); he clearly was enjoying things, and “extras” sort of proceeded naturally.  The next visit was again good, and got more intense.  Unfortunately, in later visits he always seems to assume that it’s time to proceed directly to the extras.  Things always finish in much less than an hour, and honestly I think he does the *exact opposite* of treating repeat clients well.  He really is physically beautiful and can be a quiet, friendly conversationalist, but I can see why for many it’s a one-time thing.  Happy to share more info with other veterans 😛

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