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Everything posted by Zimby

  1. sometimes the tongue out of the mouth pics work... maybe a little playful or devilish. Other times they inspire failed images of blow up dolls. You can decide for yourself
  2. More than half those reviews on RentMass are within 3 days of each other. And 10 reviews total in less than 2 months (he's only joined since April). I would be wary
  3. Those are some heavily edited pics on his RentMass pics.... the one in the red speedo... look how the tile at the bottom of the pool is bent out to the left around every muscle in his arm,
  4. $150 seems underpriced for a 60 minute erotic massage in Chicago. I wonder how much the VIP experience is?
  5. what's up with his forehead in those pics? Is it a headband? Is he hiding a tattoo?
  6. I don't think Simon is in the age range this client is looking at.. although I'm positive Simon is top tier!
  7. see how the frame isnt a straight line? so he pushed his back in a little which is what moved the straight line of the door... also.. that forearm is not natural.
  8. the easiest way to tell if something is photoshopped is to see a distortion in the background (look for lines that should be straight but arent). His are better than that.. he popped off the body. photoshopped and then put it back in the pic.. you can tell this as his body almost has a 3d effect where he is visually in front of his backgrounds in a 2d media.
  9. most of those pics are heavily photoshopped. I cant speak to his massage skill. but be warned images in picture are most likely bigger than in real life
  10. There is a bit of photoshop going on in these pics. and in all honesty,. he probably doesn't need it... if you're into those young jock types.. this guy fits the bill, You can see in this pic below how the mirrors on both sides of him curve away from him a bit.. a result of him making his arm bigger, The edges of both mirrors should just be straight and the are not.
  11. There are 2 bad reviews under his current add... aren't there other options?
  12. he has a RentMass profile as well. but no reviews there either MagicMingster on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com
  13. The photos in his listing have been HEAVILY photoshopped. Look at the one shirtless pic... He's has made his body look so much wider than it actually is, the distortion has affected the background... you can see it has made metal lockers curve away from his body.
  14. This sheds a little more light for you but not much https://rent.men/MusKyMuscleKinG
  15. You can see in all his ASSet pics, he photoshops it bigger... notice how whatever line in the pic next to his pride and joy also is slightly wavey.. showing you which direction his is stretching the image. Its not much,. butt I think if would look great just normal.
  16. Unfortunately, this website has never seemed to take off... I like the idea of various wellness providers under 1 roof, but there isnt much there,
  17. He looks like a pocket hottie... if he lists at 5' 7" how tall do you really think he is??
  18. yeah.. it sounds like something he took "kicked in" so he could coast through the engagement. sorry that happened to you
  19. If you see a provider offering both sensual and erotic... ASK THEM WHAT THEIR DIFFERENCE IS. You can't beat communication with your provider. This should happen when booking for your best results. When you meet your provider, most will spend a minute or 2 to welcome you... feel free to recap what you discussed... also, besides telling them what or how you like things, tell them also what you don't care for (too much chat, heavy pressure in a certain area,,, whatever). A good provider would appreciate the information. Clearer expectations also help the client relax and enjoy the massage.. instead of laying there trying to interpret every touch for a possible opening or "wait.. he just grazed my genitals... i wonder if I can now touch his?"
  20. But he's in to fisting??
  21. Why do you feel the need to publicize this when the provider is already doing this? Anyone that looks at his profile and can read English can see this guy for what he is. Honestly.. this post will probably drive business to him. You've just given him attention and publicity with your rant. I see you keep bringing in racism to your replies along with ageism. Please note... they are not the same and are in no way equal isms. Take a breath. Does ageism suck? yes. But this is an unregulated field of work. How many clients don't want to to hire someone that is older than X years? Why do you think so many providers "age-shave?" So you insult the guy's looks (so mature) when in fact you probably thought he was good-looking at 1st because you looked at his profile. I doubt you were inspecting profiles to report for various "ISM" infractions. So.. what is your plan of action to fix this problem?
  22. so... you would rather book with this guy? He's being honest and upfront about what he prefers... I think it saves us all a lot of time. Why spend time and energy on this guy... you think you're going to change his opinion? And then you go and insult his physical attributes? I have more an issue with what and how you have said things than this provider if I am being honest. If you can't have a civil discussion about this topic maybe you should wait to post until you have had a massage.
  23. No experience with this provider but I was able to find this link from RMass Nickfrom on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com or this guy TheBlondTitan on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com or this guy DrYO on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com
  24. Those photos are a little too "touched up." That one in the white shorts makes him look like he needs a scoliosis check.
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