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Everything posted by advnturpup

  1. I can't find a link to his OnlyFans - anyone...? I love watching bodybuilders fuck gals... 😉
  2. Hiring someone without a face pic is risky for me though have done so and been ok (Mike Masters! More than ok!) but had reviews to go on. But no comments about Drtynycman looks. Info?
  3. GOOD NEWS!! Trev is coming back to NYC! June 29-July 6 He liked us!
  4. Met with Trev here in NYC yesterday. Breathtaking. Delightful. Perfection. Just delivered on every hope I had expressed. Rough to romantic, tough to tender, smart, friendly, warm, welcoming and completely engaged and connected. Just awesome session (one hour). Bless this stud! So generous with his perfection
  5. Wow! Thank you guys! Great having you all have my back, as always.
  6. From what? Are their threads under prior names?
  7. Any info? Want him to top. Kissing important. Thoughts?
  8. I was taken aback when he asked me for it up front. I mean, in general, he's operating way above the typical pay grade of most escorts and asking for cash up front in general we all know is a huge warning sign to stay away. But i took the plunge because as a first re-entry back into sex after a long covid desert, everything that was said about him was precisely what i needed AND, of course, what he looked like. So i just bit the bullet. And i repeat: Worth. Every. Penny. And he really isn't a con artist. He really loves doing this and loves the people he meets. And we talked alot about drugs too - cuz i have nostalgia for the days when on nice occasions i might do shrooms or x or k - with FBs or at "circuit parties" in days of yore. So when he talks about PnP, for himself he's really talking about occasional recreational drug use and, probably, that its ok for his clients who do more. Though i bet if he has such a client he'll wind up getting invested in helping the guy steer away from destructive behavior towards sobriety. How did we wind up talking about all this stuff? He loves to talk but even more, he seems to love to listen. And we discovered we have complexly overlapping spiritual lives - we spent time exploring that. Escorts may be able to have such discussions, but hustlers rarely can. Really: this guy is the Real Deal. And he's also a good business man creating a business model that works for him and the people who can afford him. I wish i could be a monthly! It would be good for me! Alas, unlikely. But for this particular night in this particular year, he was medicine for my soul, not just my body.
  9. Three words: Worth. Every. Penny.
  10. so this guy had bad reviews, then disappeared from threads here for 5 years, now reappears... wonder what the story is? lol
  11. https://rent.men/Aaron_lazzaro
  12. Big Max: https://www.google.com/search?q=big+max+colt+studios&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS905US905&sxsrf=ALeKk00uw_EWQvi3VjX2uYaR-3mfc8o1fw:1619788040865&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlxqXWhKbwAhWEElkFHfl6CssQ_AUoA3oECAEQBQ&cshid=1619788081126321&biw=1881&bih=909#imgrc=qgphkwOUlTZcOM Lest he be forgotten. Real name: Sam Pasco. ❤❤❤
  13. BIG MAX! The original, from Colt Studios. Second guy I ever had sex with (paid for it) - I barely knew what to do and he was very sweet and kind. Other muscle guys over the years including some mentioned here, but the ultimate biggest studs, in the order i met them, after Big Max: Chris Duffy in San Francisco (met him on a street smoking a joint lol), Gavin in Chicago, and, yes, the incomparable Colton... Colton became a real chum. I miss him badly...
  14. Who are the hottest bods who like to make out and top? Seductive to dom all good...
  15. advnturpup


    Any news on this hot guy in San Diego? https://rent.men/JimmyXFit
  16. advnturpup


    Any info on https://rent.men/Asisoy/#platinum?
  17. https://rentmen.eu/TenInchezDeep Any info?
  18. This guy coming to visit NY - little info available! these links don't lead anywhere... anyone have any info?
  19. Yes they do, actually. I'm a columbia grad, my PT is a columbia grad, and my nephew is applying to PT schools right now lol
  20. doesn't say that on his profile - what he wrote you? and, Sangohan777: how you know is a fake? please advise guys! thanks
  21. You’re not the exception. You’re the rule. These are (in my case, to me, strange and wondrous) exceptions
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