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Everything posted by hornytwells

  1. my thoughts exactly, no complaints, but wouldnt repeat
  2. yes, a long time ago, found him utterly unmemorable, while not exactly bad, but never went for a repeat
  3. I find him extremely handsome, facially and in every other way
  4. Ah yes, sorry, thanks for the reminder!
  5. Phenix Saint was an escort?????? I never knew, also love him, he stopped?
  6. Agreed, am crazy about Andrew Stark!
  7. Adam Killian definitely is, or at least was, I chatted to him on grindr. said his fee was $500
  8. I personally think Sebastian is the lucky one to be filming with Killian, who I find to be much more to my taste!
  9. Would love to know about High Class Latin and Gioforte too, and apparently they live at the same address?
  10. He looks totally hot-may have to put him on my list to take one for the team......
  11. spectacular everything, so bummed he is a smoker.......
  12. I like Santiago too, but he is a smoker, so that puts me off alas
  13. I love this forum! Tells me all I need to know, thanks
  14. I always wanted to hire him, but was never sure about his smoking status-his profile says non smoker, but almost all his movies show him smoking. if he is a smoker in real life, this would turn me off, can anyone who has hired him enlighten me?
  15. I also liked this guy, and still think he is hot, BUT i watched an interview with him where I found his personality so off-putting and obnoxious> Granted, we don't hire them primarily for their personalities-but it really put me off him big time.....
  16. Just for you: http://www.youporn.com/watch/183592/colin-farrell-and-nicole-narain-sex-tape-no-fake/
  17. Am afriad not, but I really don;t think its hard to find, if I get time later will look for you....
  18. You know he has a sex tape you can find online, pretty nice cock too!
  19. Your three are perfect, would love them, preferably together!
  20. Tony Perkins in his Pyscho days definitely! I also love 2 of the guys in ABC's current Once Upon a Time, Josh Dallas, and especially: http://www.wetpaint.com/network/gallery/whos-the-hottest-new-guy-on-tv-this-fall-the-results-are-in/photo/its-once-upon-a-times-colin-odonoghue-captain-hook-by-a-landslide
  21. Actually you and I have identical taste!!
  22. Your ex dated James or Dave? I didnt know either of them were gay/out? Is this a scoop!
  23. Ryan Reynolds Ryan Gosling, Jensen Ackles
  24. Thats sad to hear, but all too common alas
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