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Everything posted by adunn1992

  1. First off sharing taking those steps of going to therapy to acknowledge how to deal with issues of depression, trauma, self-esteem, and anxiety is a very important first step. I have also recently taken my first step of going to therapy again after a 4-year hiatus of attending a session for very similar issues. Based on my experience with therapy, as long as you are not conducting any harm towards yourself and another person you should be able to share your experience in life: however I don't know how you and your relationship with your therapist are but sharing that part of your life should only be based on you and your relationship with the therapist. Be proud that you are taking those important steps for your mental health.
  2. Thank you, Danny. I always want to continue to grow and develop as a person.
  3. I would say my routine on the weekdays is getting a shower, making a protein iced coffee, then do my skincare and teeth brushing, after getting stuff packed work I take a look at my agenda for the day and try to think of two goals to accomplish for the day, I usually workout after I get off work. During the weekends, I wake up and I go to a local coffee shop and work on my homework while I was in my graduate school, before the gym. Also, listening to podcasts while getting ready for work is a great way for me to start the day as well.
  4. adunn1992

    EU - VISA

    Yep born and raised US citizen.
  5. I have only been to Chicago twice for short trips, but my impression has always been positive. Great food & restaurant scene, and if you are in for a good laugh, 2nd City Comedy Club is a go-to. Many of the troupe members have eventually transitioned their careers to Saturday Night Live or comedic writers and producers in the entertainment industry. Would definitely go back again
  6. "Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of generations and nations." 😁
  7. adunn1992

    EU - VISA

    Does anyone have more information regarding the VISA requirements starting next year? I'm thinking about traveling to Europe for the first time.
  8. Honestly, I would love to get a list of the literary classics. I had an English professor in undergrad, share her recommendations of literary classics everyone should read. Any feedback on some classics you all have enjoyed?
  9. I guess that's where this emoji got it's inspiration from haha 😛
  10. An important skill to have is self-defense. Plus those types of physical arts allow for people who practice them to have a strong mind and body connection.
  11. Definitely open to any great reads. fiction, non-fiction, and biographies I'll take any recommendations
  12. Grew up around horses due to being on a farm as a kid. Definitely appreciate the sportsmanship behind it, I have a friend who rides every weekend. Fun hobby
  13. I can tell my friend. 😁😉 Your stories throughout the time I have known you have always kept me on my toes about what you will do next and accomplish.
  14. I actually thought about getting back into music. I used to usually sing in community groups all the way up till I graduated college. Music does have a therapeutic sense to it.
  15. So I am curious now that I have some extra time on my hands in my post-grad school. What hobbies do you all partake in outside the gym or outdoors-related activities? I am open to anything after I get off my full-time job.
  16. thanks for sharing, everyone. I am slowly starting to take baby steps in my health. One aspect of my life that I did not share in my inital post was changing my mindset. I hope this journey will give me a more positive mind and body connection. One where my mental and physical state are balanced.
  17. I don't think I will be doing diuretics. My main focus will be better nutrition, diet goals, and changing up my workouts. Not looking to compete on the stage only looking to compete against my self by getting stronger, faster, etc.
  18. Speak your truth my friend. 😁
  19. Now we just need a martini and good conversation to go with this.
  20. Porn Star martinis are my only experience... sorry guys no hidden Twitter for me 🤣😁
  21. Mark Henderson said it best. 😉
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