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Everything posted by robberbaron4u

  1. Let me have a "look-see"... by my last visit to profile those options were noted as "unavailable" due to the provider having frozen his account.
  2. Being that the "Chat with Me" and "Call Me Now!" options are "unavailable" by his rentmen.eu profile, how did you accomplish messaging him via rentmen's site? Herbert Hoover has been "unavailable" for some time in any venue, but I would like to open a dialogue with him with regard to the state of the union.
  3. If a garrote was not involved in the twist, yes.
  4. Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly, and, please, do not neglect to write your name, address, place of employment and telephone number in my guest book.
  5. A desperate man undertakes, on occasion, ill-considered and intemperate actions to remedy his need or satisfy his want.
  6. NineInDomPhDTall with a purloined physique "shot".
  7. Given his age, there is no need to run; a well-paced walking gait will distance you without effort.
  8. You have missed the point of the post, but, HA! HA! HA!.
  9. He pushed me in my baby buggy.
  10. A "provider" afflicted with malignant narcissism can deliver the best experience a client will ever have betweenst the sheets. . .particularly in a Chinese opium bed outfitted with four-way mirrors.
  11. Maturation in the "business" fosters, on occasion, ill-considered and intemperate behavior.
  12. This solicitor's specialty is white collar, corporate crime in the capacity of a defense man. Given that position in the game, he would be defending Danny.
  13. Odd? Yes, indeed. Very "funny". Funny " peculiar", not funny "ha ha".
  14. Yes, thank you for the clarification and amplification as to the particular provider. In my own experience with him, I did not have any "problems". I know that, having been "stiffed" on his fee and marooned on Ibiza, he had become very wary of clients' representations to him. Too, as noted, he had a rather bad "shake" in life. And, yes, I know "who hasn't". Nonetheless, I came across a thank you note he had written to me, a small gesture, and, I was given to wondering what had become of him.
  15. Does anyone have any knowledge as to what has become of Danny, the escort of reference, in this matter? Having had a brief acquaintance with him, I was aware that he had "issues" for which he had sought professional counselling apart from having endured a wretched home life.
  16. The Immortal Sereen. . .at the time he was, in fact, 18 years of age and "fresh to market".
  17. Hence, my "clarification and amplification" of the posting. That stated, my weekend booking with him was, indeed, a "big ol' 5" experience.
  18. My "rating" is based, solely, upon my experience with him, and, consequently, it is not a recommendation; I no longer make "blanket" recommendations of escorts as, by the very nature of the business, too many "variables" or in play to make such recommendations.
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