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Posts posted by ericwinters

  1. That's one of those situations that can't help but work out perfectly, even when it looks like it didn't. Nobody ever likes to be screened out. But in screening someone out as a prospective employee over something niggling like one or two spaces after a period, they have also done the prospect a favor by screening themselves out as possible employer for the applicant, because, who, in their right mind, would want to work in an organization that gets hung up on details like that. Fortunately, with a soft labor market, employers are going to have relax some of those pathological employment criteria.


    I agree

  2. They say that your resume has about x seconds to make an impression. you really think that during those x seconds the reviewer is checking the spacing after a period?


    I learned 2 spaces, and then, sometime in the 90s, stopped using 2 spaces. I went back to 2 spaces after a client asked me to use 2 spaces in my work product for them. When I bother to notice, it's mostly two spaces but I see a fair amount of work with single spaces after the period. If we are moving to a single space after a period, it's only because people don't receive formal training in keyboarding anymore so aren't familiar with that convention. So it's actually a result of having a marketplace full of poorly trained keyboardists.


    You would be surprised

  3. Years ago I worked at the Ritz-Carlton and we had ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen....


    I wonder if R-C has had to change this morto as we are in new environment which is more ompassionate to people who are somewhere in the middle of the spectrum between male and female identification.

  4. I've had crab benedict at the Palazzo in Vegas. Which was lump crabmeat egg and a bechamel sauce with asparagus over an English muffin. The other variation I've had was a typical eggs benedict but with a fried crabcake.


    Simply awesome

  5. And that’s the reason why, even though me and my friends drove 130 miles to watch the White Sox, I turned right the fuck back around. Was not going to waste my time fooling with the flakes and fickle pickle MoFoes of Chicago


    This month the society for human resource management (SHRM) is holding its annual convention in Chicago... which should draw thousands of gay men to the city, don't be so quick to dismiss this month.

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