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Everything posted by Phil_musc

  1. Well it might be Public Address, but my dirty mind really likes the more traditional Prince Albert thing. The idea of borrowing a small one to put on a show for his Daddy - it just gets my kinky fantasies all fired up.
  2. Strange though that no pictures of this fabled ass appear in the ad. I guess we'll have to take your word for it.
  3. It must have been a misprint - the $260 price tag. Now it's listed at a more reasonable $160.
  4. That is one heckuva promising ad at Rentmasseur. Who could say no to that experience? I'm intrigued though by the claim of 22 years experience and his listed age as 38. Did he start as a summer work-study massage intern or what? Understand this is not a deal-breaker though.
  5. He claims to be straight - doesn't work for me. Kinda appealing though.
  6. And that's further along in the whole Requiem so at least there is an opportunity for some build-up. Thank you for bringing it up.
  7. I'm particularly fond of the opening movement of the Mozart Requiem. Perhaps an endless loop of this would be just the thing. I can even imagine a HE to this.
  8. Why don't we all compromise on this one - it really seems the only win-win solution. The first and third weeks of the month we could all have our TP go over and on the second and fourth weeks of the same month we could have our TP go under. On the unfortunate months with five weeks, perhaps we could all just arrange to use the facilities at someone else's house so we wouldn't have to decide. Maybe we could even develop a little ceremony around changing the direction at the end of each week. Many of us feel the need for a little more ritual/ceremony in our lives. This would offer a new possibility.
  9. I believe this weighty issue has been the subject of previous threads. Much like tipping service providers. Always good to see how ideas evolve.
  10. I saw this and immediately went to RM hoping against hope that the gorgeous Alec Andrews had come out of retirement. Alas, no.
  11. Uh oh - advertises as a straight guy. Buzz kill for me. Gotta at least be bi.
  12. I like the idea of the Bach solo cello suites - classy!
  13. Thanks for all these ideas, Gentlemen. When I hang out my shingle as a massage therapist, I am now planning to add a karaoke option. I think singing show tunes together would be sorta relaxing, don't you? A new kind of HE. And at least it won't be that tedious New Age nonsense or be interrupted by commercials.
  14. This mystery is tiresome to me - just out with whatever it is - please! We're all adults here (I'm assuming that) and promise not to be so shocked that hospitalization will be required. . .
  15. Saw her show in P-Town this past summer. It was amazingly funny and even uplifting - a very affirming experience. Highly recommended!
  16. Well his name may be RalphluX, but those rates give me Reflux (or should that be RephluX?)
  17. Those dates on that travel schedule don't add up in my book.
  18. I'd appreciate a PM also, since I'm in Philly.
  19. I stand by my original post - it's Rogan Richards from several years ago.
  20. Looking at that mugshot, it seems whoever wrote Strawberry for his hair color had a good imagination.
  21. I don't watch Shameless; so how did the couple get rid of their toys? Did they have a yard sale?
  22. I wonder if they will mount an appeal to the US Supreme Court. See how our new Justices will vote. Hmmm
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