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Posts posted by beethoven

  1. "A service tailored to your individual needs" sounds promising, but of course they can't say much in these ads, and can't promise anything in an email or text, or over the phone. At least not with the possibility of your being an undercover cop. The only thing you can do is to ask for recommendations here, or to take the plunge. Trust me, RJ will provide a service tailored to your needs!

  2. I thought that this week's episode was going to be similar to Trump's threatening devastation and fury (or whatever that moron said), against North Korea, when Dalton threatened Russia. But it took another turn, as we all know. There was a very good op-ed in yesterday's NY Times by a psychiatrist, explaining why Trump can't be diagnosed with a mental disorder without a thorough examination (which has never been done, to our knowledge). Then he asked, "What if he's just a jerk?" A conversation like this, which occurs every day, in public and in private, shows just how low we have sunk in our national discourse -- and how low this moron in the White House has caused us to sink.

  3. Things that seem too good to be real usually are. That said, I'm sure some of our Sherlocks will soon tell us if he's stolen the pictures from someone else's web site. If they're genuine, I can see a well-worn path to his door. Of course, some one will have to tell us if he gives a good massage, and if he's a good guy or a jerk.

  4. I agree with OC. I just returned from seeing this movie; I loved every minute of it! As I walked home, I was thinking that my Trumpenik friends should see it (which I'm sure they won't), as they might learn something about the value of a free press, especially when it exposes the misdeeds of our government, whether a present administration, or past ones.


    At the end of the movie, they quote from Justice Hugo Black's opinion, where he says that the First Amendment exists to protect the governed, not the governors.


    And the closing scene is priceless!

  5. Jason has been discussed here before. A little digging will uncover the thread (or threads).

    He's a really nice, sincere guy, fabulous body, but he won't touch your dick and you can't touch his. So if you're looking for anything beyond a legitimate, non-erotic massage, Jason isn't your man. He's originally from Ukraine, been here several years, loves America and wants to become a citizen, and changed his name from Dimitri to Jason about two years ago. I saw him two or three times when he was still Dimitri, but when he decided to be non-erotic, I stopped seeing him.

  6. I don't for a minute dispute what Dmitri says, but I'm totally amazed that Pierre, who has always been so nice and sweet with me, would behave like that. And yes, even if he's having a bad day, there's no excuse for that. I shall see him whenever he comes to New York, and we will have our usual good time together. But reading this disturbs me a lot.

  7. The article said nothing about computers or CGI. I think they reshot all the scenes. They were fortunate in that Kevin Spacey's scenes didn't involve large numbers of actors, so they needed to recall only a few actors for the filming.

  8. There was a very interesting and informative article on the re-shooting of the movie in yesterday's (Sunday) NY Times Arts & Leisure section. The article describes how the director and producers made the decision to substitute Christopher Plummer (who's 88 years old, God bless him!) for Kevin Spacey, and how it was done in a very short time.

  9. I agree that the 14th St studio is not a comfortable nor welcoming place for a massage. It's cramped and noisy, and for the money we pay, we deserve a nice place. I wouldn't accuse them of anything fishy, but I have enough reasons to avoid it.

    If I were to see Jae, I'd see him here, in my apt. But I'm hoping that someone has tried him, and will report to us!

  10. This has occurred a lot when we try to find Masseurfinder ads on links. We get their regular ad, showing scores of masseurs, not the one that's referred to here. Evdude is correct; I couldn't find Sam yesterday, and can't find him this morning.

  11. Here in NYC, $200 for 60 minutes is not that unusual, tough it's a bit high. I'd certainly pay it if I really liked the masseur, so $300 for 100 minutes isn't that much of a stretch. This guy has a killer body, and if he has a good personality, gives a good massage, and provides suitable "accompaniments" and "extras," then why not splurge a bit?

    If he came to NY, I think I might very well take the plunge. Based, of course, on reliable reviews, not the reviews on his ad, which sound like they were all written by the same person. But, regarding reviews, what else is new?

  12. I have been a client of Pierre's for about 8 years. Obviously, I'm a satisfied client! Yes, the pix are 100% accurate.

    I concede there are more skilled masseurs, but Pierre is a very sexy guy; he gives a very sensual massage, with attention to all areas, erotic included. I suppose I'm biased, and that Squiggles was expecting more of a skilled masseur, and didn't achieve the sensual chemistry I have with Pierre, so his experience was "ho-hum."

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