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Muscle Lover 2

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Everything posted by Muscle Lover 2

  1. Thanks OT. I'm trying to schedule some time with him next week also. There are a couple of other threads on him and those others who have seen him also gave glowing recommendations.
  2. And that actress, Lisa something?, could easily pass for a drag queen, don't you think?
  3. Pic # 3, with the ribbons on his cock, reminds me of the old joke about the Scot who went out partying in his kilt without underwear. He got plastered and on the way home fell and passed out. Passing school girls, as a joke, tied a blue hair ribbon around his cock. When he woke and went to take a piss, he exclaimed to his cock, "Wow, look at ya' laddie. I don't know where you've been, but I see you won first prize!"
  4. I think he was advertising, until yesterday as AdamAdamm (thread on him available). No similarities in the pics but I had AdamAdamm saved as a fav (not that I planned to hire him since he was outed for using pics not of him, but the pics were so nice to look at!) and this morning this "Govany" profile is showing up in its place. That means it's the same guy, right?
  5. Foxy, I can't join you on the backwards baseball cap, but I'm right there with you on ripped jeans and no socks. No socks looks good, to me, with deck shoes but not a suit. When in London about 2-3 months ago, every where I looked were men in suits with pants that stopped at least 2-3 inches above their ankles and wearing no socks. It was a weird look. Headed to NYC next weekend and suspect I'll see that there too. But, in fairness, we might be just cranky old men!
  6. Completely. When I was in school, I got teased for writing "like a girl" all the time because my handwriting was so good. Now, every employee who has to read my chicken scratching complains. Sometimes I can't even read my own handwriting. My handwriting fits the new mold.
  7. Austin Wolfe for Favorite Daddy. Wonder if he talked about his Mile High adventure at all?
  8. He was on an English site and on RM back when I went to London about 3 months ago. Whatever name he was using, I did a search here and got a bunch of negative feedback. I very reluctantly passed on him. Whoever the man in the pictures is, he is so my type!
  9. Now anal is checked off!!!!! Anyone taken the plunge other than the one who posted a review this past Friday, https://daddysreviews.com/cruise/2018-10-19 ? No hints as to whether anal was involved in that post. Just curious if anyone knows.
  10. Bump, he is in my neck of the woods. I'm loving what I see. Any experiences?
  11. You know those fellas' ain't hired for their IQs, right?
  12. It was showing up for me this morning.
  13. I had planned to see him when I was in London and several negative posts scared me off under one of his former aliases. What a shame. Whoever is shown in those pics is incredible and hung like a mule!
  14. Figures. I am headed to NYC in 2 weeks and had already reached out to him. The pics are out of this world. Now I know why there were no "private" pics!
  15. Only in NYC until Tuesday (I will be there in a few weeks so was checking his calendar). I think he is in Dallas after that.
  16. In fairness, he could be a full body model with that face. Or he could be a model for beautiful hairy chests, just sayin'!
  17. His ad has expired on RM and he last checked in there in July. Is he ok? Taking a break? Love watching him fuck on film.
  18. I 2nd the Jeremy feedback. Had a blast with him. Looks just like his pics, if not better.
  19. And changing his profile name. Me thinks he might be on this site and seeing the comments! It's a shame. Those are some major hot photos.
  20. Now in NYC (riubigdickk). Still no takers?
  21. No reviews I see. Anyone with the 411? https://rentmen.eu/Apolone
  22. So far, all the porn I have seen him in, he is the bottom. Please tell me he tops! His profile on RM says "ask me" on position.
  23. When I talked to a doctor years ago when dating someone who was HIV-positive re risks, precautions, etc. that should be taken, one of the things we discussed was anal bleeding. She indicated that tearing of the anal lining occurred in nearly every anal sexual experience and, therefore, bleeding was not uncommon.
  24. I would give JadCuban a C also.
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