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Muscle Lover 2

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Everything posted by Muscle Lover 2

  1. I like the ad but haven't tried to contact them/him yet. Was hoping someone else would take the plunge first.
  2. Yeah, very hot ad pics. No one?
  3. Wow, he caught my eye this morning. I'm glad I checked here before I reached out to him. Glad we have this group to help one another out.
  4. Here is a post about him from an inquiry I made last week about another London man, Russian_Power (by Joey442): I've met MarkMarky https://rent.men/MarkMarky Stunningly handsome guy, like a cross between Henry Cavill and Joe Mangianello - his pictures do not do any justice to how huge he is. Also really nice. He was the 1st escort I ever booked so I was very nervous but he was lovely. For me the 'action' wasn't the best (but also I was really nervous!), but I would like to go back for another go as wow, so handsome!
  5. Not sure, BonVivant. I have a few I am more drawn to. But I may have one more opening while there and am trying to decide who might fill that spot. Definitely hope to see Metamorphodisiac (not currently advertising) and Russian Power https://rent.men/RUSSIAN_POWER . Others I am looking at: Hotblondmagnus https://rent.men/hotblondmagnus MexicanHunk https://rent.men/MexicanHunk MarkMarky https://rent.men/MarkMarky UKBigMan https://rent.men/UKBIGMAN
  6. Vin Marco is definitely not arrogant to me. I've seen him 2-3 times. In between visits, he texts me from time to check on me, say hi or share pics or videos with me. He is very giving when with you. They simply do not come any better than this man.
  7. Lion_XL, 6'4" 190, niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. https://rent.men/Lion_XL Anyone with the info on him?
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