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Muscle Lover 2

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Posts posted by Muscle Lover 2

  1. Major wrong.   Brian is an incredible partner.   No attitude, very giving and one of the sexiest men I've ever met.   No kissing or giving oral, but everything else seemed to be fair game.

  2. 185176_1658554218_xc3dmuhzzr.jpg

    View my profile on RentMasseur.com

      5'9" 180#

    But this appears to be the same guy on Rentmen: 


    Pornstar Performer & Rentboy in Austin, TX - Wevertton: top latin Brazilian

     Now 6'3" and 190.   Tend to believe the former from the pics (shorter).   But hot!   Big head keeps telling the little head not to be tempted, no matter how hot given this wide difference.   Danger, danger Will Robbins!   


  3. I've not seen him yet but his pics catch my attention every time he comes through my town.   If our schedules ever sync, I'll be able to report back.   Love his look.   I am seeing more and more guys like this that just drift to wherever the business takes them.   They might cancel a city because of a lack of interest, stay over in a city for a few extra days if the business is good there, etc.   Can't blame them but it makes it hard to schedule.

  4. Anyone with recent experience at the spa, now that most economies have rebounded  some?  Is the private more like a Rentmen hire with making out or straight to penetration if that is what was sought?  In Istanbul next week

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