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Everything posted by colonexstacy

  1. I don't know what others might think of this and unless I am missing something with the current culture I just don't think this is appropriate for her to be on rentmasseur. She told me she identifies as trans and considers herself a woman and I said well this is a site where men hire men. Then she told me she's a man. Anyhow it's interesting Kash is in her name. She even changed the spelling of our national pastime from a c to an h. lol I support the dignity of everyone having the right to be who they are and engage their life as they see fit. And I know there has been a lot of debate really recently about trans people entering sports for the gender that they were not originally assigned at birth. Good god I'm trying to say this right. But shouldn't rentmen and rentmasseur be men for men? I would think and hope. And are we to the point that on these sites we have to discern and discuss what is a man? I'm in my late 60s and I'm trying not to be out of touch but this ad just doesK not sit well with me. Kashiiiee on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com
  2. lol. oh my alienates sisters preferences no matter how tragic they may be is not really indicative of musical selections....rather she selects anything in life to inflict suffering on her victims.....she once made meat loaf with onions knowing full damn well I'm alergic thus I ended up in st anne's emergency room on my 30th birthday....she once was my spotter at planet fitness and dropped the bar on me and i ended up with three broken ribs. I wish I were writing fiction, alas she has been my own purgatory this side of risen life. Thanks for letting me vent. lol. The arab wrote me and he is getting on a plane but wants 300 when he lands in detroit. At least his rate is cheaper than the money my sisters owes me. lol
  3. oh for fucks sake now look whats happening in my miserable life...i've got that gdamn song running through my head and it wont stop. I hated it when it came out and my dyke sister sibling kept playing the damn 45 (lets see who doesn't know what the hell a 45 is) incessantly pissing me off.
  4. Well you know they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I believe that in terms of low quality places. What might be low quality to one person may be luxury to another. Example. Quality Inn. Fairfield Inn. Red Roof Inn. Sonesta Suites.Motel 6.The Venetian in Las Vegas. Believe it or not there are some people who would think the quality in is very nice while somebody at the Venetian may gag at the idea while hoping to use the same gag reflex for the impending arrival of desire with mixed reviews. Who knows. When I look for the list of amenities at hotels I always look to see if they have a valet service because if I hire one of these guys i'm going to be able to do very little walking if things go my way to retrieve my car.
  5. is that because it seemed fake like he was performing? I've met guys who moan the moment as the tip of the dick meets the top of my lavish tongue.
  6. his ad shows he signed up yesterday on RM. I believe it as there is no word on him nor anyone ever as hot as him in the cincy area. I have to go google the gas mileage to richmond ky (as in kentucky, not the lube). Anyone know any little secrets about this hearttrob and if you do.....spill the dish! Joseep on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com
  7. do you know your comment had me go back to his ad with hopeful anticipation that his head, as in the one above his neck, was hot. I was played!!!!!! lol.
  8. thats where I couldn't place this bitch.....thank you....although as I have been sitting here for five hours doing absolutely nothing other than trying to recollect who he reminded me of, now I have the answer while I also have nothing else to do. lol
  9. Oh there is way too much to tell for my communications with this guy. Suffice it to say he is not real. Presently he has four reviews and I doubt their credibility. His ad expired after one month. I have caught him in so many lies. Trips all over himself in his messages with contradiction after contradiction after contradiction. Enough said although I don't know if I've really said anything. LOL
  10. Actually that wasn't all I needed to know. I thought so. But after contacting him I know even more. He wants $300 and a deposit upfront from first time clients. Well I guess it won't be a second time because a second time needs to be followed by a first as is my case.
  11. thank you and I mean that. I'm sorry for the outburts. I am in a situation where I have always believed there is a solution but I do not know if there is one this time. But i am blessed with a long fulfilled life and the hardest part I guess is that i have loved it so much that I selfishly want more. lol ...never satisfied but grateful however. Thanks agian Frank.
  12. thanks that is all i needed to know
  13. Have the discipline to follow my threads. Did you not read above where I made it loud and clear I couldn't even find a thread and I had thought it was removed the day after I posted it because it is not about a particular provider and I didn't know what the time when I posted it if I even had it in the right section and as I also said I never have one notification until today making me aware that people were commenting and I'm not going to say this again and I don't even owe you this explanation anyhow. Now why don't you practice a discipline of reading previous messages and comments so you will know this has already been stated. And if somebody is condescending to me I will be right condescending back if I choose. I am normally a very outgoing person who does exhibit to some degree a level of charm who rarely attacks but I am really sick to death of what I am currently facing including my most recent pet scan. And I come here trying to find the ultimate guy for the ultimate sexual experience before I'm dead by the end of this year. And I am being goddamn honest.I look hideous from what my disease has done to me that's why I am on here trying to find some guys that will see me I've had two guys where I show up that I look so bad they turn me away. Even my money wasn't good enough because I am that grotesque there I hope your goddamn happy
  14. Some of you undelably are very pleased with yourselves and that you've gotten to me and congratulations on that yes you have gotten too many you have done it several times coming at me. I have tried to be a good member to know avail. I have had many people write me privately that I have actually influenced in some of their decision making and for that I am grateful and for those of you who are thinking that I am simply acting like I am a victim then go ahead and private message me and I will send you my email address. I have scars all over my body from cancer and I am literally going through hell right now. Ultimately and deep down I know that has nothing to do with any of this but I just want you to understand that sometimes when you attack people and yes I realize that's what I'm doing now and I don't give a damn. Maybe what you need to realize is what was the person's intention? And does it help to publicly tell somebody I know you're trying to be funny but you're really not? Does it help to ridicule? Do you know the story of the person that has created the post? You can always write them privately rather than public ridicule and by God if you give it I'll give it right back without hesitation.
  15. Why would there be a link? This was an observation of providers and reviewers not any particular person. Got it it's really not that difficult to comprehend now is it I'm in one f***** up mood right now I am just so angry God damn you people come at me and come at me and come at me and I was just trying to have some fun. I don't need the damn ridicule and I don't need the damn criticisms. I am going to absolute hell in my life. The worst hell imaginable with this God damn brain cancer and I'm doing my best and I come to the site for enjoyment and it is now anything but that.
  16. Okay then how about if I politely tell you to take a seat. You know I really don't need you or anyone else on this damn site pardon my sorry ass for trying to lighten the mood. I wrote something that I thought was funny and if you want to tell me I'm not funny you do have that right and I have the right to tell you how condescending I think you are you do not tell me how I behave with anybody. It is so easy isn't it just sitting hide behind your little keyboard to tell people how they should conduct themselves and I march to my own God damn drum. I am not in a good mood because I'm dealing with side effects from chemotherapy and I am going through hell and instead of coming to the side one to constantly read about the misgivings or the givens of the providers I tried to write a thread the other day that I thought would be fun because I always found it interesting that these guys in the reviews always saved at his pictures don't do him justice. I am just so angry right now thank you for making my day thank you thank you thank you and everybody else that wants to come at me go ahead bring it bring it bring it God damn it
  17. Well first of all may I suggest that my behavior is not conducive whatsoever to whatever standards you desire of me. I have received notifications this week a-plenty regarding people who have been messaging me from other topics regarding various providers in which I have communicated my past experience with them. Now you will not believe me, and again that is certainly not my insomnia inducing concern, but for the record for those who still slightly hold my existence as one worth to continue the engagement of breathing I would like to state that today is the first time I had a notification of this post whereas previously I wondered why there had been no response. And for some reason even I could not find the post. And I thought perhaps it was deleted because it was not a subject of any particular provider. Now sit down.
  18. I totally agree with what you said. If the picture is too good looking I wonder if they're a model and that causes me some apprehension. But if these guys are so much better shape physically than what they are and their pictures and maybe they should upload current statistical features. LOL
  19. he wants 300 and does not even tell you what he offers when I inquired. He has not been on the site rentmen not even a month. And he has no face pic and said he will not send one which i assumed or he'd have it posted. I asked what part of town are you in and he had the fucking audacity to say Chicago. LMFAO. I told him I was not in the section on the site looking for guys in Baltimore or Seattle and I assume that went over his head. If he has a head. No pic above the neck.
  20. Spill the beans guys. I wrote to him and there's no way I will have a session with him because I got the biggest red flag of all, I mean even Betsy Ross couldn't have sown this one. He wanted to know what my stats are. LOL. This was my response to him a word for word... My stats are whatever your rate is!!! I was so proud of myself for that one. Lol. Anyhow what gives with this guy Kingmidas on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com
  21. Thank you. I would love to hear what you have to say. I probably thought badly of him reaching out to you with those subsequent messages because he had done that to me we're just so many. And he did this after I told him I had lost interest. Good luck to you.
  22. I sincerely thank you for being part of my investigation. LOL. Thank you
  23. Sir I am surprised you're asking for me to answer this particular question as if you read everything I wrote and my two previous comments regarding this provider, if the impact he is a provider, I would hope you would know I did not have a massage with him so I have no idea about his performance. I clearly am not having this guy because I think he is a scam. When a provider repeatedly reaches out to get you to book it appears in my opinion that he is trying to hard and there's something definitely wrong with his services but he has that many available openings. The great providers with great followings do not do continual follow-up just to get your first experience with him. I hope this helps that I would encourage you not to follow through and get at the same time if you do I hope you report back because I really hope I'm wrong.
  24. With us to go I am going to consider seeing him tomorrow and after reading what I read up above I'm not so sure I will however the man has been very pleasant in our text exchanges. I'm going to do some more research and investigation to see what I can find on his technique and erotic abilities. I have already put in a call to the IRS and to the FBI to get the goods on him. LOL. I'm about to go into an appointment with the governor of Michigan as he is currently in detroit. Not the governor. The provider.
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