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Posts posted by JayinHKNYC

  1. I recognize the massage table. I believe it's an apartment used by at least two other guys. Possible potential for 4-handed work? I don't remember the names. And you would have to ask him about the 4-handed option.

  2. One of the most migrations ever... do they employ people with 1995 knowledge of the internet? It is truly unbelievable that they are so incompetent.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Tarte Gogo said:

    Sorry if it was already discussed and I missed it, but has anyone been to the place called New Yorker Men’s spa?

    It is on 6th Ave, quite close to Chelsea men spa. Number 862, 2nd floor. 

    if you have been can you report on the guys?

    Is this the lower-midtown sister spa of Grandee?

  4. 27 minutes ago, Kody S said:

    The subject of tipping at a Spa has been discussed before but it’s been a while and times are changing and pricing of non-spa masseurs have risen in NYC since before covid. What do you consider to be a reasonable standard tip (as a percentage of the massage fee) for a masseur who has done a good job with basic services? I know this varies widely, but I’m trying to evaluate if I am tipping too much or too little. 

    As a start, what are you tipping?

  5. 43 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    You obviously aren't understanding my point.

    Anyway. Not important that you do.

    My opinion stands. If you're providing Swedish massage, you're not providing anymore than a feel good moment. No therapeutic technique is included.

    Nothing ridiculous in my opinion. It's an observation made from many years and many providers.

    "not providing anymore than a feel good moment" - totally untrue - sorry you haven't had a good Swedish massage before

  6. 27 minutes ago, JUWS said:

    Interesting Daniel gets two high reviews in a row from two Newbies, but mostly not good reviews from guys who have been posting on this site for long time with high status...hmmmm sounds fishy to me, just saying 🤷‍♂️🤔😁

    And yet there are hundreds of inaccurate reviews by guys posting on this site for a long time which renders all of this advice basically meaningless in terms of predicting an outcome.

  7. He may return, but I won't. To him, 1 hour equals 40 minutes. To him, massage means a pseudo version of a rub, not a massage. And he doesn't follow through on the sensual/erotic features that he said he includes, mind you not what I asked for but what he stated were automatic in the way he worked. When I told him he said it, he tried to upsell me for a future visit, not with a discount, just a higher price than he advertised. This wasn't even a case of YMMV but 3 counts of fraud.

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