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Posts posted by deej

  1. The ratings post-Super Bowl were, predictably, through the roof.


    Interestingly, though, it had more viewers than any scripted show on any network in the last three years. (Some game show had more, but not a scripted show.) If they keep even a small fraction of those viewers Glee will be a juggernaut.

  2. Well, honestly, Glee isn't exactly known for character development and plot. ::chuckle::


    You may have noticed they opened with a musical number, which they don't normally do. They knew that this was their introduction to a whole bunch of drunk straight guys who just watched the Super Bowl.


    Consider it a sample plate for the uninitiated: include one of everything. Tits first (and a Katy Perry song), then some slushie action (appeal to the neanderthals), some Beyonce (even if it's sung by guys), and "Thriller". One of everything.


    (And considering the target audience of drunk football fans, it's probably no coincidence that this is the first episode where they didn't get Chord Overstreet's shirt off. ;))

  3. Someone should probably point out that these are PROPOSED commercials created and submitted by the general public. We won't know what commercials actually air during the Super Bowl until the Super Bowl.

  4. This has to be the longest running thread on the Message Board. I'm still waiting for Talvin to show up at an area gas station near me checking prices.


    It's kind of a fun and illustrative thread, though. In late 2001, gas prices were captured at $1.28 and today we're over $3.00.


    Where else can you see a 200% increase in just 10 years?


    Sometimes it's fun to just watch life as it happens around you, and sometimes it takes a diary (like this thread).


    So after conversion I paid $7.76 a gallon (which is just a few cents higher than what I payed back in 2006)[/color]


    Thank you Steven. Americans don't hear enough of the reality that other world citizens live every day. They're too busy being ugly Americans. :(

  5. Well....


    David Bromstad, "Color Splash" (openly gay, hot body, often works shirtless) (note that his "personal assistant" is adorable)

    John Gidding, "Curb Appeal: The Block" and "Designed to Sell" (openly gay, not so ripped but handsome)


    "Income Property", Scott McGillivray isn't gay, but he's a gorgeous French-Canadian

    "Holmes on Homes", Mike Holmes - hot muscular daddy, and he's got some cuties on his crew, including his twinky son


    Pretty much any of the design or remodel shows have hunky contractors. In fact, Greg Plitt (the fitness model) was one of the contractors on "Designed to Sell" for a while, and you'll sometimes catch one of those reruns.


    I'm with Charlie: why can't my contractors look like them instead of Buttcrack Bob, the fat plumber?

  6. I watch HGTV a lot, and not just for the meat (although there's plenty of that).


    I'd been watching shows like "Property Virgins" for a couple of years when I bought my first home, and thanks to those shows I was a better informed buyer. I could look past flaws and staging fuckups to see the potential in the house. As a first-time homeowner, I've learned a lot from the design/remodel/repair shows.


    One of the things I admire about HGTV is they don't shy away from gay or lesbian couples as "clients" on any of their shows. In fact, it almost looks like they recruit them at times.


    It also helps that in our CATV channel lineup the next station up is FOOD. Between those two I can generally find something to watch. :cool:

  7. As a has been actor, I would vote for Chris any day of the week. His character and his performance are way more challenging than anyone else in that category. His storyline this season has stretched the envelope and he deserves the recognition and he will get my vote.[/color][/size][/font]


    Much appreciated, pimp daddy! Will keep my fingers crossed.

  8. SAG Award noms were announced today. Glee did well:


    * Best Ensemble Cast

    * Female Actor in a Comedy: Jane Lynch

    * Male Actor in a Comedy: Chris Colfer


    (Chris Colfer has to be peeing himself!)


    The only one they have a chance at (IMO) is the Ensemble one.


    Jane Lynch is up against most of the Golden Globe best actress nominees plus Betty White. I'll take Betty White for $1000, Alex.


    I can't see SAG member voting for Colfer over, say, Ed O'Neil for "Modern Family" or Alec Baldwin for "30 Rock". (Although perhaps jackhammer can give insight?)


    As I said, "it's an honor just to be nominated".

  9. And why oh why did we have back-to-back REPEAT episodes this week? I cannot figure out this new thing in the US on the major stations of having repeats even before a season ends.... (sigh - for the years when re-runs only happened in the summer...)


    Get used to repeats. The next "new" episode will be the post-Superbowl episode. (i.e. some time in January)


    Last year, the Glee season was broken up because of the Olympics which wiped a couple of weeks off of the schedule mid-season. This year, I guess they figured the mid-season hiatus worked so they're doing it again over the holidays. (That's my guess, anyway.)

  10. That's terrific news. I hope they all win!


    Personally, I think they should all be practicing the "it's an honor just to be nominated" spiel. :)


    Lea Michelle and Matthew Morrison aren't exactly leads, and there are some real powerhouses in their categories. (Morrison vs. Steve Carrell and Alec Baldwin? Feh!)


    Jane Lynch is possible. She wasn't nominated last year and it was regarded by many as a major snub, and she went on win Emmy in the same category. Could be a "kiss and make up" from HFP, but Sofia Vergara from "Modern Family is in the same category and (IMO) is the likely winner.


    The interesting nom is Curt Colfer. That 20 year old may walk away with it.

  11. some of the new characters in the original group are great, but I also fear that some of the original members are growing up too fast and looking a bit too old now (even after one plus years??) to be playing high school GLEEKS.


    Expect more new characters in the Glee club. Part of it is they're setting up for graduation at the end of this season. Cory Monteith (Finn), for example, will be closing in on 30. It's time he graduated! (I think Chord Overstreet was brought in specifically to be the club's resident football jock when Monteith and Salling leave the show.)


    Ryan Murphy recently made a remark something like "nobody believes a HS kid with a bald spot".

  12. Methinks (hopes?) the stifling of the Dalton Acadamy will see Kurt transfer back to MacKinley High.


    The Blaine/Kurt mashup on "Baby it's cold outside" sort of telegraphs that:


    "I really can't stay"

    "Baby it's cold outside"


    And don't get me started on k.d. lang's "You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch", with pronouns transposed to female. I wonder who would make a good Grinch..... ;)

  13. Ryan Murphy has been circumspect on the subject of Kurt's boyfriend except for saying they'll become the MHS power couple. That leaves Darren Criss out of it (sadly) since he's playing a student at a different school. The existing cast, as well as Chord Overstreet, have been ruled out by Ryan Murphy himself.


    But that kiss from last night certainly added a new plot twist, coming as it did at the beginning of a multi-episode story arc on bullying. Could that be the beginning of a budding new romance?

  14. Yes, deej, some religions do hold that position. But that doesn't make it defensible, at least in my book.; That's a cop-out, and crap,


    That's a discussion for another forum, but I'll say that as fervently as I disagree with their beliefs and will not allow them to be imposed on my own life I fervently refuse to force them to live by my beliefs.


    I've had a front-row seat to the magic of transplant as well. A close friend was on the list waiting for a kidney for many years. He finally got one in his late-30s, from a sixteen year old boy who died in a tragic automobile accident.


    Every year for the last 20 years I've sent his kidney a birthday card on the anniversary of the transplant. :)

  15. Some religions disallow defiling the body after death. (Ironically those same religions often disallow defiling the body with medical treatment which may prolong life. )


    Other than that, there is no defensible position for NOT being a donor IMO.


    Personally, I don't imagine anyone will much want any of what I have left. I intend to be pretty well used up. But if there's even a remote chance that my organs can be a life saver for someone else once I'm done with them, rock on!

  16. A history lesson for baseball fans


    In Macedonia, in an area mainly inhabited by Greek Orthodox Serbs, there's an ancient Catholic convent. It's only there because of an agreement negotiated between the two churches; it will remain Catholic as long as it is occupied. Its current only occupant is the 84 year old Sister Anita, but she's likely to be there for a while - she's in good health, gardening, maintaining the chapel, and following the rules of her Order.


    The convent has a deep history. It traces back to a pagan temple at least 2500 years old; it was a temple to Eros, the god of love, and had a famous (and somewhat scandelous) statue of the god. The statue was destroyed by iconoclastic Christians early in the Christian era, who sanctified the site as a Christian convent, which it remains to this day.


    Later, the armies of Atilla the Hun encamped in the area, and the famous general himself commandeered the convent as his headquarters. During the winter he expressed a desire to learn about the history and customs of the Greeks, and commanded scholars and wise men to bring him scrolls and documents, and translate and read them to him. However, he became so enraged at the contradictions, speculation, inconsistancies and quarreling of the philosophers and historians that he had them all burned, a tragic loss to history.


    After the armies left, the church restored the convent, and now Sister Anita is the last the line in this long history.


    So, just as happened recently in Philadelphia, that's how it ends - no Huns, no Writs, no Eros, and nun left on base.

  17. And why stop at one parrot joke?


    Late one night, a burglar broke into a house he thought was empty. He tiptoed through the living room but suddenly he froze in his tracks when he heard a loud voice say: "Jesus is watching you!"Silence returned to the house, so the burglar crept forward again."Jesus is watching you," the voice boomed again.


    http://www.realmacaw.com/graphics/jokeparr.GIFThe burglar stopped dead again. He was frightened. Frantically, he looked all around. In a dark corner, he spotted a bird cage and in the cage was a parrot.He asked the parrot: "Was that you who said Jesus is watching me?" "Yes", said the parrot. The burglar breathed a sigh of relief, and asked the parrot: "What's your name?""Clarence," said the bird."That's a dumb name for a parrot," sneered the burglar. "What idiot named you Clarence?" The parrot said, "The same idiot who named the Rottweiller Jesus."

  18. Welcome home, pimp daddy. Just for you.....


    A woman went to a pet shop and immediately spotted a large, beautiful parrot. There was a sign on the cage that said $50.00. "Why so little," she asked the pet store owner. The owner looked at her and said, "Look, I should tell you first that this bird used to live in a House of Prostitution and, sometimes, it says some pretty vulgar stuff."`

    The woman thought about this, but decided she had to have the bird any way. She took it home and hung the bird's cage up in her living room and waited for it to say something. The bird looked around the room, then at her, and said, "New house, new madam."`

    The woman was a bit shocked at the implication, but then thought, that's really not so bad. When her two teenage daughters returned from school, the bird saw them and said, "New house, new madam, new girls."`

    The girls and the woman were a bit offended but then began to laugh about the situation considering how and where the parrot had been raised.`

    Moments later, the woman's husband, Jamie, came home from work. The bird looked at him and said, "Hi Jamie".

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